by stanbery » June 8th, 2009, 1:58 am
From the Mag
Great read. Read the Mag for Dry Fly and Nymph fisherman info
Streamer Fishermen
On to the third of our species, the Flyfisher
Wannabeus. More often referred to by his
common name of streamer fisherman, he
inhabits something of a twilight world of
in- betweens. Indeed, many biologists point
to Wannabeus as proof of the missing link
between fish harvesters and fly fishermen.
While to the untrained eye he appears to
be part of the same family, intense debate
rages to this day over his proper place in the
great scheme of things. Those arguing for
his inclusion in the family of fly fishermen
point to the nature of his equipment, use
of terminology, and social habits as being
almost identical to the Eternalus and
Fluffius. Opponents, however, make a
solid case that the differences are more
pronounced than the similarities.
First, they point out that while
standing in the river he may appear to
be indistinguishable from Eternalus and
Fluffius, to the trained eye it is evident
that the differences are dramatic. For
while guile, subtlety, and an ability to
imitate nature are an integral part of the
fishing * of Fluffius and Eternalus,
Wannabeus is a throwback to the “splash
and trash” style of fishing. Not for him the
concern of matching the hatch. No need
for even a passing knowledge of riverside
biology and entomology. No matter the
season, no matter the time of day, no matter
the river conditions, Wannabeus selects the
gaudiest, shiniest fly in his box, wades as far
out into the stream as safety will allow, and
proceeds to pound the far bank with rapid
fire casting. Indeed, debate even rages as to
whether the contents of his fly box can even
strictly be called ‘flies’.
Much like the forebears of our domestic
dog, who sought shelter, sustenance and
company around the campfires of our
human ancestors, so too does Wannabeus
gravitate toward the company of true
fly fishermen. In bars, camp grounds,
and fly shops, he will be seen nodding
sagely and thoughtfully, inspecting the
latest equipment, all the while making a
mental note to top off his supply of 2x and
coneheads. More so than even Fluffius, he
is fixated with size and body count. He will
tend to dominate conversations, making up
for his inadequacies in skill and technique
with a loud voice and a frequent blurring of
the fine line between fact and fiction.
2013: Days on the Water so far - 29
2014: Days on the Water so far - 28