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Airstream Chronicles Pt. V

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Airstream Chronicles Pt. V

Postby WanderingBlues » December 6th, 2015, 6:36 pm

----There may be a slight overlap on this report----

Me and the Missus continued our retirement road trip of Oregon. We struck out for the coast until the biggest rain event in 2 years hit the Nehalem Bay Area. A foot of rain in 72 hours.... Being in the Airstream was like weathering a storm in a beer can. Depression set in...

Fortunately, there were daily field trips.Image

Obviously there was no fishing. The rivers were beyond blown out. So we hung out, drank beer, and celebrated our 25th anniversary with a fine meal of Steak & Guinness Pie, with black & tans.

Finally couldn't take it anymore and moved inland. If you ever get by Silver Falls State Park, stop! Amazing place. I would have flogged the water, but the season was closed. I'll be back, though. We stayed until snow threatened. Figured we better descend before it got too gnarley.

We went back to the coast, where the weather was clearing. We arrived right at sunset and proceeded to enjoy beautiful weather for the next several days. Simply amazing.

And the people were happy.

Over the course of the trip, I became proficient at mastering campfire meals. We did not suffer.

And between the wife's nightly appetizers and crock pot cooking, we were pretty peaceful at the end of the day.

Of course, there were still field trips. I gave one of the Rogue brewmasters a bottle of Dunk's Fat Hog Barley Wine. He texted later that night with nothing but mad props.

Finally headed south. Hard to go back to Cali, although there were some benefits.

Did some wine tasting while stuck in Lodi. Also met Spicytuna for the first time. Good dude.

Now, here's where the story goes bad. We had been home perhaps 5 minutes when I got a text from a recently retired co-worker, Alan, one of my offshore fishing buddies. He said "Are you watching the news?" I turned on the TV to see my community under attack from terrorists. Every few moments I'd catch a glimpse of a fellow officer and get a sinking feeling knowing I was on the sidelines while they were heading into the fire.

About an hour into watching, I got another text from Alan, "Nick's been shot.........." Nick is Alan's son and an officer with SBPD. Known him since he was seven years old. His younger brother, I hired for my department. My heart fell out of my body.

I continued to watch as a shootout unfolded and I watched my guys pinch in the suspect vehicle. They are the Bearcat on the right that says "Colton" on top. God bless em.

Nick will be okay. He killed the male terrorist before taking a 223 round in the thigh. Then the Calvary showed and finished off the *. From the looks of it, they may have prevented much, much more bloodshed. Still, 14 victims. Senseless.

To say it has been bittersweet is an understatement. I am thankful I finished my career and can become blissfully unaware again. I worry though that we are in a new normal.

And with that, regardless of your religion, beliefs, the color of your skin, or your background, Tami and I wish you all a Season filled with Peace. We'll be visiting the son at Fort Riley this Christmas as he'll be deploying shortly thereafter, so that'll end my reports for the year. Thanks for sticking with a long read.
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Re: Airstream Chronicles Pt. V

Postby clee » December 6th, 2015, 8:17 pm

Great pics.

Wish your buddy Nick a speedy recovery and thank him and his mates for their bravery for me.
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Re: Airstream Chronicles Pt. V

Postby midger » December 6th, 2015, 9:22 pm

Welcome back to SoCal and hope you enjoy the "real" Kansas at Christmas. I've been to Fort Riley but only a quick stop.

Thanks for your report and look forward to the 2016 reports. I also wish you and Tami a Merry Christmas and the best of New Years.
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Re: Airstream Chronicles Pt. V

Postby Papasequoia » December 6th, 2015, 9:36 pm

Been nice following the trip except for the ending. Did you get to fish with Spicy? How long until the next trip?
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Re: Airstream Chronicles Pt. V

Postby Benny » December 7th, 2015, 12:52 am

I resisted replying to your report until I made sure it was the finale. Enjoyed reading and seeing all the cool photos. Kind of a sad ending with those idiot terrorist. Thanks for taking us along on the Airstream Chronicles.
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Re: Airstream Chronicles Pt. V

Postby FIGHTONSC » December 7th, 2015, 7:19 am


I know it hurts you to be apart from your team, but we're (fellow addicts) glad that you retired at the right time and are out of harm's way, so you can share more sagas and chronicals with us!

Please, thank your team from my family, for taking them out!

Thanks also, for taking all of us along on your ride!

Merry Christmas and best regards from the Kansas Territories,

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Re: Airstream Chronicles Pt. V

Postby Jason » December 7th, 2015, 9:15 am

I really look forward to these reports. I was like "Yay!! Part 5"

Looks like a wonderful time. In July my wife and I made a quick loop up though Bend, Portland, Astoria and back home to........ Lodi. It was strange seeing the Jessie's Grove sign in your report.

Glad your friend is going to be okay and many thanks for your (and their) efforts to protect everyone.

Thanks again for the report!
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Re: Airstream Chronicles Pt. V

Postby briansII » December 7th, 2015, 10:42 am

Good stuff! Stellar company, food, drink and pics.

Sorry to hear about your friend's son. Glade to hear he'll be ok. Thanks to all those that keep us safe.

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Re: Airstream Chronicles Pt. V

Postby lucfish » December 7th, 2015, 11:14 am

First off, I'm glad you are out of harms way and hope for the best for your fellow officers. Report wa great, looking forward to more as you roll along.
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Re: Airstream Chronicles Pt. V

Postby Packer » December 7th, 2015, 2:30 pm

Curtis Thank you for the great read(s).
May God bless your team and all those who serve and keep us safe. It must have been a harrowing adrenaline filled experience for them. It had me glued to the tv the whole day.
Again, thanks, Tim:)/'--~~<*}))><
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Re: Airstream Chronicles Pt. V

Postby stanbery » December 8th, 2015, 6:27 pm

Curtis and Tami

Thanks for taking us along on the Airstream Chronicles this summer full of great food and great pictures as well.

Glad your friends son is doing ok.

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Re: Airstream Chronicles Pt. V

Postby k9mark » December 9th, 2015, 8:26 pm

Prayers for a speedy recovery for your friends son. Secondly, you were in Lodi and did not contact me!?
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Re: Airstream Chronicles Pt. V

Postby 1mocast » December 12th, 2015, 9:08 pm

Some amazing shots and thank you for taking us along.

Your doggies are awesome!!!
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Re: Airstream Chronicles Pt. V

Postby flybob » December 16th, 2015, 11:54 am

Curtis, great trip!
The photos were excellent, and all the the charts!
Many congrats to you and the Missus for everything you have both worked deserve every bit of it!

As for you darkened homecoming, I watched most of it unfold, and from the beginning, I just kept thinking, Thank
God Curtis is on the road, and out of harms way.
Sorry to hear about your friend Nick, I am very glad to hear that he is OK. You always wonder if you know someone who knows first cousin has been with Rialto PD for 20+ years.

Take Care, and a Happy Holidays to you too.
Thanks for sharing your trip with us.
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