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Getting to the point

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Getting to the point

Postby fflutterffly » August 25th, 2008, 6:41 am

I need help. I'm ready to start learning more about going after different fish. Like... ok Bass. Where do you find them? How do you target them? Flies? Fishing Techneque? Please point me in the right direction.

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Re: Getting to the point

Postby Sasha » August 25th, 2008, 6:55 am

Disclaimer: I am no expert in catching BASS with a fly rod. I only have targeted them a few times while fishing.

Well I can tell you some of the things I have done and caught Bass on a fly rod. I have used a few different flies and techniques with success. The first time I had pretty good success was in the evening time with s BH pheasant tail size 16. I would strip in quickly about 4” of line give it a few seconds and repeat the process. This seemed to work for the LMB in the place I was fishing. I have also had success with Mickey Fin’s size 4 and Muddler minnow’s sizes 4 and 6. I have not tried poppers yet but I heard they work well too. As far as locations I can’t help you there, when I did live in SO. CAL I never went fly fishing for Bass. I did used to spin fish for Bass at Castaic Lake but that was mostly due to the fact it was so close to my house. When I moved up to the Tehachapi area I pretty much stopped Bass fishing.
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Re: Getting to the point

Postby Eric » August 25th, 2008, 7:28 am

Ariel, the only guy who I know who targets bass on a regular basis is Jon. He seems to have pretty good luck at brite lake. Streamers r the ticket.
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Re: Getting to the point

Postby RiverRat » August 25th, 2008, 8:06 am

Well Bass love dragon fly nymphs. Yum Yum..kinda like starbucks to them. They scarf on them in ponds, lakes, slower water on the river. Nothing but a wooly bugger tied with eyes and a bushier head will work. They're also are ambush attackers. That's why structure is so important to them. Trout will move a distance or are cruising, to come and take your fly but Bass like to sneak up on the their prey. That's where the tug is different from trout. Most often you will see your line moving before you feel the tap, tap. It more of a grab and run attack and it's easy to miss the hook set. Sometimes the only way to get them to strike is by making them angry by casting over their head several times. But throw almost everything above out the window early mornings when they will attack the surface and chase down bait fish! But the famous surface bass explosion is rare in our waters. Most of my experience is from fishin local bass tourneys with bait casters but I've pretty much switched to trout again for a few years. I bought a Sage Bass rod that can throw a popper 80 feet but haven't used it much due to focusing on trout. If your using streamers use fast erratic retrieves and if your using bottom patterns like crawdads, big black buggers..slowww retreive. A 5 wt or bigger is fine until a ten lbr snaps your rod.

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Re: Getting to the point

Postby fflutterffly » August 25th, 2008, 4:13 pm

Ok. Let me get this straight.
Fish weed beds, structure for ambushing and buggers on the bottom slowly, bait type flies on mid-water faster. Now are bass in every type of water? I guess I can start my education as I always do, on the internet. Thanks guys. I'll give you a call Craig, but I still don't have the number right.
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