I would agree with everything Gary said and add that in addition to good cold weather gear you will need good route finding skills should you happen to get a surprise snow storm that covers the trail. Just in case. If you have those skills and the weather looks good, by all means go - fall is a great season for backpacking.
As Jon S. mentioned, it has rained and snowed some recently. As I write this in Mammoth it is 33 degrees outside. On the other hand, it wasn't much warmer yesterday and we had a couple of great hikes. We'll be heading out again today up near Bridgeport to check on the colors and maybe wet a line for a bit. Meanwhile, this was from a lengthy hailstorm a couple of days ago.
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And we did get our first snow in town over the weekend, but it was just a trace. A bit more over higher elevations (above 10,000 feet).
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