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Streamer Junkie

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Streamer Junkie

Postby stanbery » November 21st, 2009, 8:32 am

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Re: Streamer Junkie

Postby midger » November 21st, 2009, 9:18 am

Good short story. Lots of truth to it also, and it's a lot like steelhead/salmon fishermen.
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Re: Streamer Junkie

Postby RichardCullip » November 21st, 2009, 9:42 am

Good writing there. I loved the His box of flies looks like a truck hit the Muppet band phrase.
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Re: Streamer Junkie

Postby beachbum » November 21st, 2009, 9:58 am

Good article! I spent the 70's living in Colorado, throwing streamers on some of the best brown waters in the USA. Somehow over the years I aquired the love of fishing dry flies, to rising fish. Fishing this week, I hooked a big brown, on a conehead spuddler pattern, and was reminded of why I love to fish streamers.
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Re: Streamer Junkie

Postby rkfiske » November 21st, 2009, 10:47 am

RichardCullip wrote:Good writing there. I loved the His box of flies looks like a truck hit the Muppet band phrase.

Agreed! That totally got me laughing. I always think my streamer box looks pretty strange and that pretty much summed up what I think they look like!
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Re: Streamer Junkie

Postby meb » November 21st, 2009, 11:38 am

That's funny. I have a few newly tied streamers on my bench, so this caught my attention. I spend almost all of my fishing time with streamers or dry flies.

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Re: Streamer Junkie

Postby STMFlyGuide » November 21st, 2009, 1:45 pm

Oh Ya :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: That writer sure knows the addiction!! :bananadance: :rockon: :bananadance: :mrgreen: .....

Like I say........ The Tug IS the Drug!!
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Re: Streamer Junkie

Postby KRoberts1 » November 21st, 2009, 4:05 pm

Love it. I've often wondered why its an awful long walk back to the truck. When you get into that "zone", that "high" YA JUST CAN'T STOP". That next drop off, ox-bow bend, tail-out sure is calling out. CAst, strip, move, cast, strip move. It becomes a cadence, a rhythum, a heart beat. Its life at its best.
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Re: Streamer Junkie

Postby flybob » November 21st, 2009, 6:03 pm

Hey Jon, I have yet to master the streamers, fact is I don't use them much, and the real irony is that my very first wild trout ever, was caught on a black wooley bugger loaned to me by 1mocast, darn thing shot out from under a rock and slammed it!

I have never caught another fish on a bugger since, that was 4 years ago last month!

But addictions are addictions, and we all have our faves!
Definitey appropriate!
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Re: Streamer Junkie

Postby castaway » November 21st, 2009, 6:25 pm

Although I have had little success with streamers on larger waters... one of my new found addictions is tossing small streamers into plunge pools of the little creeks.

toss em into the turbulant water at the base of the plunge... two quick strips... imitating a fish escaping the froth... and bammmmmm

I think the big creek boys sit and watch for a stunned little piece of food to dart out of the plunges... very addicting.

tossing small streamers with an ultralight rod... mmmmmmmm good times.
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Re: Streamer Junkie

Postby Eric » November 21st, 2009, 6:37 pm

That is so you Jon!!!!
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Re: Streamer Junkie

Postby Rockstar Fisherman » November 22nd, 2009, 2:45 am

Jon, I didn't realize you had a magaznine writer with you the last time you hit up the East side :D :D

I spent a lot of time the past 2 years trying to get used to fishing streamers and learning a lot about them, they're my favorite when there isn't a hatch with rising fish all over the place. When you feel that tug, well David said it best earlier.
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Re: Streamer Junkie

Postby Jim T » November 22nd, 2009, 10:39 pm


I'm not quite there yet but I can tell I'm on my way.

Let me know if you find any weekly meetings where this is discussed.

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Re: Streamer Junkie

Postby briansII » November 23rd, 2009, 11:16 am

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Re: Streamer Junkie

Postby fly addict » November 23rd, 2009, 1:42 pm


That is so you. As you know I don’t even have one streamer, :o Let alone a box full of them. If they won’t eat a dry fly, it’s their loss. :roll: :lol:

Thanks for the check.

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