aguabruja wrote:Alright. So I am pretty new here and I have only one post. But I read this forum alot especialy the stories about the txl spl and slt rods. And I was reading a lot of the comments on here about ultralights. I really like my Txl 0. But i thought all the 0, and 00 and 000 fly rods were called feather lights? I'm pretty sure the txl and spl and slt 0 rods they are in a class all of their own right?. My friend told me 1 and 2 weight fly rods were ultralights? I was not sure about posting this because i didnt want to start a argument like I saw in anothr subject on here but I would like to know if i'm right or not. and what other rods are really featherlight. I have not seen any more companies beside sage.
From Sage's website description, I don't see ultralight, or featherlight mentioned. Maybe in some of their other ads they mention those terms, but I don't remember reading it. If you go up to the top right of the page and search those two words, nothing comes back. I am going to assume people just started describing them as ultralights/featherlights, and the term stuck. Thinking about it, if I told somebody I fished my featherlight today, would they know what rod I in a SPL 0 wt, TXL 000, Orvis 1wt.....ect... ect. They probably wouldn't. Soooo, I come to the conclusion that you can call them whatever you like, and be right in a general sense, but not in a specific sense. Does that make sense??
All this thought about small rods makes me want to go out and buy another 9wt.
Hope you stick around and post more.