What do you guy want to see at a show. Basicly what kinds of seminars do you want to see; local destination, exotic destinations, lodges, DIY travel, how tos?, etc. What about free fly fisihing lessons or fly tying leasons for the beginners? Don't just mention get the manbufatures there. That one you need the egg before the chiken; and that is a fact. Unless the crowd numbers are there the manufatures will not spend the money to come (it cost a whole lot of money for a booth to be at a show...). The Pleasenton show has a lot more booths and manufatures present, but that show attendence makes Pasadena look like a graveyard. Is everyone looking for show deals? What about the fly tyers at the show? How about the fly fishing celebraties, do you even know who they are, are theyrelevant or irrelevant? To give you an idea on the celebraties for example Ed Engle got a decent crowed at Pasadena, and at Pleasenton it was a packed house. One year when the show was at San Rafael Dan Blanton, Jack Gartside, Mel Krieger and AK Best had packed shows. I'm not sure those guys would be able to fill a room for Pasadena. Do we need just local fly fishing celebraties? What about smaller events like the Marriots and Fly Fishermen's Spot Monthly events or Orvis days or the seminars put on by The One Surf Fly (Double Haul Ball) or the Beyond the Break Water Fly Fishing seminars? Everyone chime in on what you think. Give the good and the bad. Personally I do not see a bright future for both the Fly Fishing Show in Pasadena or the fly fishing section at Fred Hall. Hopefully the city will not be such premadonas and allow the Marriots show to be possible. How can we get that show buzz back that I use to see up north . By the way there are more fly fishermen in So. Cal than most of the country (these are numbers that I was able to get using media kits from 8 of the major fly fishing magazines). Thus without the shows it is just left to the forums, which to me is a very sad replacement.