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Gotta Reel!!!

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Gotta Reel!!!

Postby thtsarumr » November 30th, 2008, 9:00 pm

I went down to the San Diego Fly Shop in Solana Beach this weekend and told John that I needed a reel for my new 2wt. He said he might have something to go with my costum Sage TXL. He went through the whole bottom shelf-middle shelf routine but then he said that I needed a Sage reel to go with a Sage rod. Anything else would be blasphemy. The man has a point, I thought to myself. So he reached up to the top shelf and pulled down a beautiful little number. A 3100 of the aforementioned brand. It was marked at $286. Whoa! I said, that's a bit steep. He said that he would take care of me so I put my full confidence in him. He hooked me up with loading the reel with Sage Quiet Double TaperII DT-2-F line + backing and butt section, No Charge. When the register range up my total I told him that there must be a mistake. He said No, we'er good. I walked out the door with my new reel only costing me $148. The guy is awesome. So for all you SoCal Bubbas looking to do some early X-Mas shopping swing by and tell John you heard he needed to make room for the new stuff.

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Re: Gotta Reel!!!

Postby thtsarumr » November 30th, 2008, 9:28 pm

DrCreek wrote:Blu ! That's, that's, that's... incredible ! Great price ! Are you jacked about it ?

I about had a big "O" if you catch my drift.
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Re: Gotta Reel!!!

Postby Sasha » November 30th, 2008, 9:41 pm

Sweet deal, now get your butt out and fish the new toy and post a report :D
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Re: Gotta Reel!!!

Postby thtsarumr » November 30th, 2008, 9:47 pm

I think it was his way of telling me that he would hook me up. I was planning on buying a $50 Dennison and hoping for the best. I think the Fly Fishing Gods love me... Yes? No? Either way I'm set. When a something like this happens, it's probably best not to question it. :)
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Re: Gotta Reel!!!

Postby buggravy » November 30th, 2008, 10:01 pm

Man, that certainly makes for a good day. Nice score.
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Re: Gotta Reel!!!

Postby RichardCullip » November 30th, 2008, 10:20 pm

DrCreek wrote:
thtsarumr wrote:... but then he said that I needed a Sage reel to go with a Sage rod. Anything else would be blasphemy.

Does this mean I'm doin' it all wrong by having baby Galvan's attached to my Sage's? ;)

If you're doing it wrong, Dr, I'm in the same boat. I love those Galvan reels including the little one I've got on my 00wt.
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Re: Gotta Reel!!!

Postby Eric » November 30th, 2008, 10:35 pm

Way to go Blu, that shop sure took great care of you.
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Re: Gotta Reel!!!

Postby BradW » November 30th, 2008, 10:57 pm

Nothing is sweeter than that 3100 on that TXL. That's my dream combination. Great deal on that reel!

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Re: Gotta Reel!!!

Postby Benny » December 1st, 2008, 10:40 am

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Re: Gotta Reel!!!

Postby WatchinTheWater » December 1st, 2008, 11:00 am

Great score Blu,
Sage backs their reels just as they do their rods. I took a pretty bad fall in the backcountry this summer using my 3100 to cushion my fall on a rock. The reel spool and body were both bent beyond repair but my arm and skull remained unbroken. For the $50 handling fee Sage sent a brand new replacement reel. The $100 fall ($50 also for the rod) could have been a lot worse and I was prepared for a much higher replacement cost on the reel. Enjoy and try not to use it to soften any falls.
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Re: Gotta Reel!!!

Postby flybob » December 1st, 2008, 12:47 pm

Hey Blu, congratulations on your CATCH!

What an awesome deal!

You deserve it!
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Re: Gotta Reel!!!

Postby dna » December 1st, 2008, 2:10 pm

that's a great combo. cheers on the deal! i, and others, have been putting in good work with that setup and have nothing but great things to say. you are gonna have nothing but smiles!!
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Re: Gotta Reel!!!

Postby DubL HauL » December 3rd, 2008, 10:46 am

outstanding I've used that reel on occasion and it is sweet. I would trade my Hardy Marksman for it any day.

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Re: Gotta Reel!!!

Postby anacrime » December 3rd, 2008, 12:04 pm

rad reel at a rad price 8-)
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