Well, the old adage of politics and religion still holds true.... When I posted the Mammoth thread, it was with the intent to bring to light that a little town most of us know and love was on the ropes. Guys like Papa call it home. Others call it their income. I call it sanctuary.
So, after some reflection, I apologize for letting this one get a bit too heated. I figure it this way--- we probably would not have these conversations on the stream if we were all fishing together. The waters know no politics and polarized opinion floats away on the foam line like a drifting caddis. I still believe that, where this group of ladies and gentlemen are concerned, a good measure of a person is in the cast of a fly and their love for the sport.
Where I stand, I'll fish with any one, any time, whether they agree with my politics, or not. We all flock to FFA for a reason, and I apologize to anyone who had a raise in BP when they came looking for peace.