I found this test to be of interest. Like many, I wondered about the new Vibrams. From reading all the different reports, I never got a good idea of their performance. Some say they are as good or better than felt. Some say they are dangerous. I do not feel this gentleman had/has any conscious reason to like one over the other. Reading his blog beforehand helped me get a sense of this.
Anyway, here's the video of his brief test.
I'm not going to say this video has sold me on Vibrams, but i'm less worried about them now. When it's time, I do plan to replace my Aquastealth boots with some version of the Vibram soled boots. I will buy and put studs/cleats in them. IMHO, if they offer less chance of spreading invasive stuff, i'll make the complete switch.....well, I already have, since I haven't used felt in 2+ years.