Glad I'm not the only one. Been carrying a staff for several years and have always worn a wading belt. Fell once on a small stream and couldn't get my feet under me for about 50 yards. Beat my backside to pieces and fill the waders with ice cold runoff. I guess its a 50+ thing.
Shoot, fishing the surf on the central coast has been an adventure at times. We have tons of rips and they make for quite the adventure during the winter conditions. Even in thigh deep water. Its good to make friends with the surfers
. You never know when you might float by them. You know its rough when Copperdropper hangs on to Lacey's waders to keep her from floating off.
Hey, if we don't continue to push it a bit, we might as well take up lake fishing with worms. But, as Harry Callahan said said " A man's got to know his limitations" (Magnum Force)