REALTIME FLOWS    U. Kern: n/a cfs    L. Kern: 1341 cfs    E.W: 312 cfs    U. Owens: 108 cfs    L. Owens: 496 cfs   09/02/19 1:15 PM PST

Bad news

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Re: Bad news

Postby Bakoguy » July 26th, 2009, 5:41 pm

I agree with Papasequoia and also Pete. However, I think your missing the obvious. I believe Stanberry turned him in and I can understand. The dude just plain caught to many fish. I don't care if we paid for his medicine, schooling, police protection etc. He just caught to many fish. When he comes back (which i hope is soon) his Visa should clearly state NO CZECH NYMPHING.
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Re: Bad news

Postby Shane » July 27th, 2009, 6:22 am

Sorry to hear that Zee.....I remember the Skype session we had a few weeks ago and you were getting sorted for the trip.....I have a friend coming over to Ireland towards the end of Sept to FF for his first time....we are going to the West of the rock for hopefully some late Salmon or fat Browns.....let me know if you can swing are invited.

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Re: Bad news

Postby Shane » July 27th, 2009, 6:31 am

Oh yea Zee.....remember the Sailing Regatta I stayed in Ireland for instead of coming fishing with you.......we did terrible....four days of punishment......injured my shoulder......should have taken the trip to your rivers instead....sorry again to hear about Atlanta....I sent you a mail to the Yahoo account...

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Re: Bad news

Postby RSetina » July 27th, 2009, 7:53 pm

Eric told me that you were turned away at the airport. Sorry to hear that happened to you. I know everyone was looking forward to seeing you again. There's always next year. Is there no way to find out why they turned you back. I think it very strange they wouldn't give you a reason. But then again, they don't have to have one I guess.

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