1-888-DFG-CALTIP or 1-888-334-2258 As many times as I have called, you'd think I would have it memorized. I don't. I have it on my contacts list on my cell now.
I was out on the river yesterday, and saw a group of guys doing some questionable things. One guy had a scuba mask on, and some sort of speargun looking thing. Actually, I can't say for sure it was a speargun. I couldn't see it clearly from where I was standing. This was in the C&R section of the river. Anyway, it looked fishy enough for me to call CalTip.
Easter Sunday, I got through to dispatch, and gave them the info. I asked if there was a warden in the area and they didn't know. Shortly after my call, a warden tried calling me, but I didn't have good reception. Once I got his message I called him back. He took the info, and was going to check it out. It's nice knowing they are out there, even on holidays.
I tried getting a chicken pot pie at KFC, but they were closed for Easter.