by Rockstar Fisherman » August 2nd, 2009, 1:55 pm
Contrary to Justin I think the Black Canyon and Colorado River below Hoover dam is extremely beautiful desert terrain as is the water, especially 3 miles above Willow Beach all the way to Hoover Dam. Fishing on the other hand, well in my opinion just sucks compared to how it was 15 years ago. Now if I were you and didn't have a boat I'd go fish off the pier they have at the hatchery. Trout should always be in that general area. Only thing is it's just big water, and forget about wading even if it's 120 degrees out, your boys wont like that cold water for too long
That whole area has been like my 2nd home all my life.
As far as any fly pattern or suggestions, I don't have any, I've given up on the trout in the river and have TRIED to go for stripers that past 2 times I've been up there on our boat.
Have fun if you do go out!
"Live life before you die"
States fished: AZ, CA, NV, OR, WY, MT, IN, WI, ID, UT
Foreign Countries fished: CZ, NZ, SL, PL, CI