by fflutterffly » November 25th, 2012, 6:41 am
As I PM'd you this is one of the finest clubs around, with exceptional programs and a real intent on expanding, not only the sport of fly fishing, but everyone who joins in the activities, many which are open to non-members. I don't know of other clubs that do that. We volunteer to teach the casting classes, others for the pond clean up, tying classing and to organize trips. Joe Labou is one of the master casters and in my opinion top on the list. You will learn so much in the certification class that casting will become more than just throwing a line. It's an opportunity to understand why it all happens. I also live 45 min away and can't participate as much as I want, but you... no excuse for being part of one of the finest programs in the USA... a tough statement to make, but one I'm sure can pass the mark.