I sent my waders in last week for a leak that I couldn't find, it was in the butt area, possibly at a seam. The waders are about 3 years old and have seen moderate use. They weren't thrashed by any means, but if they had told me that they couldn't be repaired and I needed to buy new ones I would have been okay with that.
Here's what they said in the reply email:
Thank you for using the Simms Online Repair Center. Our Repair Technicians have determined that the product that you returned for evaluation is not repairable. This item will be replaced under warranty.
It's very cool of them to replace them 'no questions asked', especially since I wasn't trying to get the waders replaced under warranty, I just wanted the leak fixed.
I just thought I'd relay my experience with Simms, it seems like the least I could do.