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January events at the Spot in Van Nuys

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January events at the Spot in Van Nuys

Postby Bernard » January 6th, 2009, 11:36 am

The following was recently sent out by the Fishermen's Spot.
Neat stuff including classes and extended hours on Thursdays for pre-weekend/fishing needs as well as an informal fishermen's happy hour of sorts.


Happy New Year and thanks for supporting your local fly shop. We hope that your year will be happy, healthy and filled with memorable fishing adventures.
Introduction to Fly Fishing Class

We will be starting another "Intro" class on January 14th at 6:30 PM here at the store. Dennis Komatsu, our senior instructor, will begin his 25th year of instruction at Fishermen's Spot and we are proud to offer this level instruction for another year. Classes are three consecutive Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:30 PM and cover, in a logical way the, the steps to getting a good foundation in this great sport. Class fee $100 payable to the instructor at first meeting. Please call (818) 785-7306 to reserve your spot as class size is limited to 8 people only.

Fly Fishers Anonymous: An informal group of avid anglers dedicated to futhering their fly fishing addiction. This group will get together on Thursday evenings at the "Spot" from 6 to 8 PM to share ideas, fly tying, casting and general BS. We'll have tables set up for fly tying and rigging and as the days grow longer we'll get outside for some casting as well. This is a chance to absorb the skills that make us all better fly fishers from experienced local anglers in a very informal, no cost setting. Beginning Thursday, January 15th 2009 we will be open until 8 PM every Thursday until further notice. This will also help those of you who can't make it to the store during our regular business hours. Novice and experienced anglers alike will grow from this creative exchange of ideas and techniques. Stop by and feed your Addiction.

Fishermen's Spot
14411 Burbank Blvd, Van Nuys CA 91401
Phone: 818-785-7306
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Re: January events at the Spot in Van Nuys

Postby buggravy » January 6th, 2009, 2:51 pm

Good stuff B. While I can't speak specifically about the intro to Flyfishing class, I took the intro to Flytying from Dennis a couple years ago, and can't say enough about him as a teacher. He has an incredible wealth of knowledge, and passes that on with a complete lack of pretense. Anyone looking to get into the sport would no doubt be well served by his class.
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Re: January events at the Spot in Van Nuys

Postby RSetina » January 7th, 2009, 11:53 pm

Thanks for the info. I always wished they would stay open later. Isn't Christmas wonderful? Santa is good to me. :lol:

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Re: January events at the Spot in Van Nuys

Postby darrin terry » January 8th, 2009, 12:00 am

Rick, that's because you delivered so many of his 'packages' for him. ;) :lol:
How do you tie the fly to your hooks without killing them with the thread? I keep cutting them in half.
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