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Kern River Fly Fishing Forum

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Re: Kern River Fly Fishing Forum

Postby fivefish » May 16th, 2015, 8:40 am

I laughed a little out of disgust when I read that line about all conservatives just repeating what their church tells them, like churches are live-streaming Glenn Beck and Mark Levin.

If there are churches out there that are 100% conservative and jeopardize their nonprofit status by preaching political viewpoints, let me know which ones. I'd like to humor myself by checking them out. If you are serious about finding them, maybe you should start at a Methodist church. I'm sure you'll find tons of Tea Party fans in there! (sarcasm).

In other news, all brown people are Mexicans! (more sarcasm)
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Re: Kern River Fly Fishing Forum

Postby tenandtwo » May 16th, 2015, 10:42 pm

Sorry for de-railing this topic...

Nothing personal, not trying to pick any fights, just trying to be funny ( it was not).
My mistake was my choice of words "your church tells you" I see how it would been taken personally. I should have written "what religion tells it's followers".
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Re: Kern River Fly Fishing Forum

Postby Wildman » May 17th, 2015, 8:38 am

Somehow this topic took the fork on the creek that leads to the Nettle patch and the tight Willow that snatch flies out of the air. It was a good topic...The Kern Forum has been having a time of it trying to get things oriented and back on track. I'm hoping that they find the solution to their Spam dilemma soon and we can enjoy reading about the other side of the Sierra.
"Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learnt something from yesterday."
John Wayne
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Re: Kern River Fly Fishing Forum

Postby BrownBear » May 17th, 2015, 9:51 am

Wildman wrote:Somehow this topic took the fork on the creek that leads to the Nettle patch and the tight Willow that snatch flies out of the air. It was a good topic...The Kern Forum has been having a time of it trying to get things oriented and back on track. I'm hoping that they find the solution to their Spam dilemma soon and we can enjoy reading about the other side of the Sierra.

Thanks for that, Wildman. The Kern Forum is certainly having problems, and I hope they get them sorted soon.

As for the other stuff, it's kind of like reality TV- always an axe that needs grinding and soap box that needs footprints. In my book it's more fecal than spam.
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