Here's your answer to the equation you are having difficulty with:
If you are an IPA snob; the answer depends on how many you have had to drink.
If you are a conservative; the answer is 10.
If you are a progressive; "What difference does it make"
If you are a bowler; it represents the number of pins in a fresh rack.
If you are a basketball player; it is the height from floor to rim.
If you are a Christian; it signifies the number of Commandments in the Bible.
If you are a Jew; it is the number of practitioners required to form a Synagogue.
If you are a Olympic athlete; it is the highest score attainable in an event.
If you are a baseball player; it is the beginning of extra innings.
If you are a mathematician; it is an even natural number.
If you are a politician; it could be either a positive or negative number.
If you are a primate; it represents the number of digits and toes innate to the species.
If you are a physicist; it represents the atomic number 10 (neon) on the periodic table.
If you are a historian; it equals the number of years in a decade.
Hope this helps!
I'm sure I can come up with more if needed.