Just would like to take a second to get the name of our fly fishing club out there. Our home waters are the Delta, it has a few good fishing spots. Lol. Register with us and maybe attempt to complete the Delta challenge, which is the catch and release of six different Delta sport fish using fly gear. If you get a chance check us out on our website or on the FB, hit the like button too.
Club Mission:
Delta Fly Fishers Inc. is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation organized for public and charitable purposes. These purposes and goals are as follows:
Foster and pursue habitat conservation and the preservation of fish in our streams and lakes.
Furtherance of the art of fly fishing by presenting educational programs and teaching the techniques and ethics of fly fishing and the practice of catch and release.
Emphasizing conservation issues with focus on protection, preservation and restoration.
Monitoring local waters and bringing to the attention of the public and governmental agencies issues which threaten the conservation and protection of fish.
Actively participate in restoration projects through donations of time and monies.
Registration is open now and it's cheap. This clubs knowledge is it's backbone. If you have any questions shoot me a message. Thank you for your time.