Time to start planning number KA VI
We're holding it in Kernville again. Last year was a blast with the kids catching mucho big fish
A BIG thank you to everyone who participated in the Poker Night Fundraiser. Another thank you to the generous people who mailed donations. Every month a check shows up in the mail to support the kids.
It would not be possible without everyone's donations! The kids won’t be disappointed.
Limit is 12-15 kids, although we had 17 last year, and they must be between 9-17 years old. They will learn knot tying, basic fly tying, casting, entomology, and conservation. To have your child participate, you need to be a member of the SSFFC. Annual membership is $25 - individual or $35 - family.
If your a not a SSFFC member, sign up on our website http://ssffclub.org/join-the-club/membe ... plication/ or I can email the membership form and waiver. Please mail completed forms to my home address, not the club address. PM RiverRat for address
Conservation will include proper C&R techniques, the history of our State fish the California Golden Trout, and Leave No Trace.
We need at least six volunteers. Last year we had fourteen. The more the better!
Please PM, email, or call for more inf0.
Shane Goslin
Southern Sierra Fly Fishers
Cell 661-428-5109