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Carry weapons while fishing

For topics that don't seem to have a home elsewhere.

Do you carry a weapon when fishing or camping?

Poll ended at June 16th, 2013, 2:00 pm

I carry a concealed weapon while fishing or camping
I do not carry a weapon while fishing or camping
I try to always go with an off duty LEO
Total votes : 41

Carry weapons while fishing

Postby Wildman » June 6th, 2013, 2:00 pm

I am hoping that some of our LEO friends can chime in on this topic. California gun laws continue to become draconian. Any weapon outside of the home must be in a locked case with out ammo. There is a section of one of the CA codes that allows fishermen to carry concealed carry weapons while fishing. I believe that it is this:

12027(g) Licensed hunters or fishermen carrying pistols, revolvers, or
other firearms capable of being concealed upon the person while
engaged in hunting or fishing, or transporting those firearms
unloaded when going to or returning from the hunting or fishing

Anyone carrying while on the water and willing to talk about your reasons.
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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby WanderingBlues » June 6th, 2013, 2:34 pm

How else do you catch those finnicky troots?

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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby RichardCullip » June 6th, 2013, 2:50 pm

Nope, don't carry while I'm out in the woods fishing. Never felt the need and haven't yet found myself in a position where I wish I had. Not even while carpin' in the LA River ;)
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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby darrin terry » June 6th, 2013, 3:12 pm

I don't carry a gun, but I have a knife on me at all times unless I am somewhere it is forbidden by law. I also keep knives of varying length in case I am going somewhere my normal EDC would be illegal to carry such as LA or SF.

I actually have, right this second, at least a dozen knives within arms reach. That's not counting the one in my pocket. Of course that is because I've been doing some sharpening the past few days. Actually, I just counted 15 knives that I have either finished sharpening or are waiting to be sharpened.

As far as carrying a knife, which is only in small part a weapon, I think everyone should have one on them at all times. I have had a pocket knife in my pocket almost every day for 20 years, and probably about half the time from age 10 till about age 24.

I did not vote as I don't carry a "concealed" weapon. :D
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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby DrCreek » June 6th, 2013, 3:43 pm

I've been taking a canister of Fox Labs pepper spray on the last few trips. I figure if the bad guy has a gun I won't be spraying him - because I can't outrun bullets. But if he has a knife or something less than, I'll hose him down from several feet away with the entire contents. And yes, I do feel pretty good about fishing with a badge friend who's always carrying.

Even though I just acquired a pair of Glocks (courtesy of Diane Feinstein), I'm still not sure about carrying out in the open for myself. There are just too many jurisdictions with multiple laws that contradict each other. Forestry says yes, but only on this side of the fence. The local badge says no, not at all in his county. And the state says a resounding no - but maybe you can carry open if you're in the designated wild area, but just remember that transport of any weapon into any wild area is a felony - but as long as you don't get caught you can carry it once you get there. Too much gray area for me to risk it.

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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby 87TT » June 6th, 2013, 4:39 pm

One word..............Sheepdog!
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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby John Harper » June 6th, 2013, 7:35 pm

Camping: I've got a really sharp hatchet, and a leather mask. Or maybe an empty scotch bottle.

Fishing: I take my chances, I know my adversary, the trout, don't practice "catch and release," those little bastids. Don't turn your back on them. Dead bugs tell no tales.

I think it's still fine for us hunters to transport our shotguns and rifles in regular unlocked cases, from my reading of the statute. I guess if you are driving to a hunting area and buying a license when you get there it could be a gray area. But, unless you're a kook, you should be fine with a simple, logical explanation. Hopefully. Not sure about going target shooting, that would be a pain. I've got a collection of over 20 firearms, all kept locked up in a big safe bolted to the concrete slab. Never thought of packing heat into the backcountry.

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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby Jimbo Roberts » June 6th, 2013, 10:16 pm

I checked, carry a concealed weapon. Really I carry openly where it's legal, but only when I'm in the backcountry. I have a healthy respect for Bears, Mountain Lions, and Wolf packs. I also carry bear spray and a hunting knife, but carrying my 10mm with a full clip, gives me a sense of well being that nothing is going to get to me.

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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby RSetina » June 6th, 2013, 10:20 pm

I thought about this several times and contemplated carrying my 9MM, but just haven't done it. If I were out in the back country I probably would but locally where I'm probably more likely to be assaulted or worse, I wouldn't. At least not at this point. IF I were to hear of someone getting assaulted I may change my mind.

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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby planettrout » June 6th, 2013, 10:21 pm

Maybe... :funnyup:

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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby Fishfreak911 » June 6th, 2013, 10:56 pm

Jimbo Roberts wrote:I checked, carry a concealed weapon. Really I carry openly where it's legal, but only when I'm in the backcountry. I have a healthy respect for Bears, Mountain Lions, and Wolf packs. I also carry bear spray and a hunting knife, but carrying my 10mm with a full clip, gives me a sense of well being that nothing is going to get to me.


Yeah, I bet you checked...YOU LIVE IN TEXAS. You could carry an M60 and nobody would look twice. :P
This is California. Someone may get hurt. Thank God the gov'mt has our back though. At least I know I am not the only one who can't carry a weapon. Nobody but cops and security guards can. :mrgreen:
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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby duckdog » June 7th, 2013, 1:14 am

I have seen Lion tracks in the snow at both hot creek and the E.W river, and yes I can tell the difference between kitty tracks and dog tracks. So I do usually have something in my pack when fishing by myself in lion country ,it goes on my hip when I am going to fish till dark(there is a flash light as well). Always have a fixed blade knife on my belt , which is a black belt. I am not that concerned about people bothering me,it's just the kitties that spook me.
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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby tenandtwo » June 7th, 2013, 6:27 am

I do not carry a gun when fishing. In fact, I no longer own any handguns. I own a shotgun and two rifles but have never been a big gun guy. The way I look at it is there are very few situations where having a gun would be a benefit to me, but many potential situations where if I got in some sort of confrontation pulling out a gun could potentially escalate the situation quickly. Yes, I have had a few situations where I have been nervous and frightened when out alone. I have had some run-ins with people I would rather not meet in the woods, but pulling out a gun would have not made those situations any better, potentially much worse. However, these are rare, once every couple years the bulk of my trips are without any incident.

Statistically, my odds are much greater getting killed in a car accident driving to and from fishing, than being shot by drug growers, attacked by a mountain lion, or beaten up by gang bangers in a canyon. I believe my greatest danger is to slip and fall, hit my head on a rock and black out. Which is why I always tell my wife right where I am going and when I plan to return. Lost or injured hikers getting rescued is pretty common, shootouts with thugs in the woods... not so much. That said, it is your right to carry if you choose, If it makes you feel better to carry a gun do so.
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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby fshflys » June 7th, 2013, 6:50 am

Don't own guns, had 2 situations that were scary. One when I was on the LO, someone was shooting from the other side of the river, I swear I could hear the bullet going over my head. I started yelling, "Hey * stop shooting" then I thought Uh Oh, he's the one with the gun! The other time I was in the Sierra, hiked up on a ridge ready to drop into a lakes basin & a couple of teenagers with a rifle fired in my direction, that really * me off.
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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby charlie » June 7th, 2013, 7:46 am

I've put a lot of miles backpacking in many mountain ranges and NEVER have felt threatened even with bears and lions. Seen lions , had camp visited by bears, proper food practice kept them from doing any damage. I abandoned a trip in Wyoming, after seeing lots of carcasses of mulies and being forced to walk under ledges up a canyon. I'm afraid if I felt compelled to carry , I would choose somewhere else to go. There are numbers of places in Ca.(and elsewhere) that are drive to that I'll avoid. I had a shotgun pulled on me near the Sespe. It was in a remote campground and the kid was tweaked out of his mind. I de-escalated the situation and left. I had lengthy correspondence with the Forest Supervisor. It was addressed and handled. Every bad experience I've had in the outdoors had been where there's been easy access. Even druggies/bangers with 3 brain cells left and the morals and manners of a rabid rat, can lock in hubs and keep it from getting high-centered. Get a mile or two up most high passes with walk-only access and the rabble is left in the parking lot. Some may leave trash ,think" leave no trace" is a kind of deodorant , and party to the wee hours on the lake you 've decided to fish, but for the most part foot travel leaves the undesirables behind. I try to stay in shape enough to keep to the high side, when age finally drags me down, it'll be stocked fish and nice patrolled campgrounds. I'm not being a Pollyanna, or anti-gun, I just choose to go where I have an excellent chance of not getting hassled. I'd have a hard time pulling the trigger on a human.
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