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Carry weapons while fishing

For topics that don't seem to have a home elsewhere.

Do you carry a weapon when fishing or camping?

Poll ended at June 16th, 2013, 2:00 pm

I carry a concealed weapon while fishing or camping
I do not carry a weapon while fishing or camping
I try to always go with an off duty LEO
Total votes : 41

Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby Sasha » June 13th, 2013, 9:53 am

duckdog wrote:Chances are that I would never get that weapon pulled and get a round chambered.

So you don't carry loaded :oo:

Not sure why one would carry and not have their weapon chambered.
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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby DrCreek » June 13th, 2013, 10:48 am

My one, BIG question to all carrying fishermen is...

For those of you that carry and are NOT badged, I'm curious as to how you get away with it (considering CA law has the most purposely-confusing open carry laws in the nation). Or maybe you're carrying concealed, I don't know. I'd be more willing to having a loaded pistol with me in my sleeping bag during the night hours than I would during fishing hours. I guess I'm just trying to figure out any helpful loophole or advice that maybe you've discovered.
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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby briansII » June 13th, 2013, 11:53 am

DrCreek wrote:My one, BIG question to all carrying fishermen is...

For those of you that carry and are NOT badged, I'm curious as to how you get away with it (considering CA law has the most purposely-confusing open carry laws in the nation). Or maybe you're carrying concealed, I don't know. I'd be more willing to having a loaded pistol with me in my sleeping bag during the night hours than I would during fishing hours. I guess I'm just trying to figure out any helpful loophole or advice that maybe you've discovered.

California Penal Code, section 12025 prohibits carrying concealed firearms in California, however, section 12027 provides the following exemption to this prohibition: “Licensed hunters or fishermen carrying pistols, revolvers or other firearms capable of being concealed upon the person while engaged in hunting or fishing, or transporting those firearms unloaded when going to or returning from the hunting or fishing expedition.”

There are specific, regional exception(like river parkways)to the above Code, but for the majority of the State, you can carry while fishing and hunting.

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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby Packer » June 13th, 2013, 11:55 am

I have been aware of this law since I was in the police reserves. Back then the penal code read "while going to or coming from a hunting or fishing expedition" Nothing was ever mentioned in the official book we got through the academy about "unloaded in your car" so that may be a new addition since then (1980). But I'm a guy, I take things literally. Which turns out be be the right mindset for these legal puzzles.
I, like the Doc, keep near the bag at night. But depending on where, who or what is in my surroundings will determine if I choose to carry the * thing. It gets fn heavy.
If I could keep my Akita from chasing rattlesnakes, coyotes, and skunks I would take her in a heartbeat. No gun necessary.
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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby anacrime » June 13th, 2013, 12:09 pm

Very surprised at the proportion of gun carriers on this site.

How many here have ever had to use their weapon while fly fishing? Collectively as a forum, we must have thousands of trips under our belts without an incident where a gun was useful (at least that I have heard of). I know it's impossible to quantify, but I wonder what the actual likelihood of a situation is where a gun is necessary in protecting oneself. Further, what is the likelihood that, given the condition that you're in a situation where a gun is necessary, the outcome is a desirable one? That is, you don't get injured, shot, killed, etc. I bet these numbers are interesting, though none of us will ever know what they might be.

Also, there must be a high correlation between those who carry a gun and those who tote around other "what if" type items, such as a PLB, days of extra food, shelter, warm clothes, etc. If we justify carrying a gun to ensure our safety for that (dare I say?) one-in-a-million type incident, shouldn't we also prepare just as much, or more, for a situation where we, say, break a leg in middle of a steep canyon?

Another thought, are gun carriers meticulously careful drivers? If our reason for carrying a gun is to ensure our safety in an uncontrollable situation, shouldn't we also take turns on that mountain road a little slower, drive well below the speed limit, etc? It doesn't matter how outstanding of a driver we are, we are preparing to encounter a situation we can't control, like a driver speeding around the corner a little too tight. I wonder if there is a correlation between those who carry guns for safety and good driving records...

Of course none of this matters to those who carry for other reasons, like because it's lawfully given right or it makes them feel a little more badass, which are perfectly fine reasons.

Just thinking out loud. It's interesting thinking about peoples actions and the emotions that drive them.
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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby DrCreek » June 13th, 2013, 12:43 pm

briansII wrote:California Penal Code, section 12025 prohibits carrying concealed firearms in California, however, section 12027 provides the following exemption to this prohibition: “Licensed hunters or fishermen carrying pistols, revolvers or other firearms capable of being concealed upon the person while engaged in hunting or fishing, or transporting those firearms unloaded when going to or returning from the hunting or fishing expedition.”

There are specific, regional exception(like river parkways)to the above Code, but for the majority of the State, you can carry while fishing and hunting.


That's the problem... interpretation. I understand what 12025 and 12027 say. It's their interpretations that seem to vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. BUT... there are so many different penal code, state, county and forestry pathways leading away from those two sections, it's ridiculous. So I MIGHT be okay travelling with a weapon as the state demands. But once I get to where I'm going, the county badge or forest badge might not be willing to nod their head to your interpretation of 12025/12027 guidelines.

In the end, I suppose if you stopped in at the local county office and shared your honest plan (along with a quick look at your CDL and background), maybe they'd feel a little better about knowing that you were in their 'hood either carrying open or, at least having it close by.

I'll always be on the fence about this topic. I'd like to have a weapon in my sleeping bag at night, but I'm not so convinced that I wouldn't get hit with an illegal concealed carry arrest - if the wrong badge was having a bad night. Hard to shoot if it was needed? * yes. I can't even imagine. But I guarantee one thing... if it was between me and the other guy and I was in DEFINITE fear of my life, HE would be the one en route to meet his maker. And I'd even offer him a little post-incident modified CPR just to add weight to my side of the story. ;)
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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby Eric » June 13th, 2013, 9:12 pm

I am with Doc. I do feel better with a loaded hand gun when camping in the backcountry. And if I did carry when fishing it would be concealed. I don't want the growers seeing that I am armed.
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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby Sasha » June 13th, 2013, 11:12 pm

This thread reminds me of one of the many reasons why I left that state years ago...
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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby duckdog » June 14th, 2013, 12:14 am

Sasha, like I said , when I do carry it is not because I am fretting over a bunch of guy's clad in Simms gear. It's all about the cat's and if a cat get's the drop on me that gun will never get off my hip , round in the chamber or not. So I keep the chamber empty. If that makes little sense to you or any one else that's fine, you can have your opinion ,I really don't care much-- a little yes, but not too much. Being one of those "what if " types I do carry at least 2 weeks worth of food,under wear and sock's . A large plastic tarp, 45-50 8' 2x4's , a camp stove and a small refrigerator. It's amazing what you can fit in an Orvis vest. Oh yeah , and I am a really careful driver. I rarely drive faster than 10mph which is why my East side trips usually take 3 week's. The likely hood that I will ever need a weapon of any kind is really microscopic to say the least ( although the 2 pit bulls on the kern almost qualified and if the owners had not arrived when they did I would have been wearing a couple of pit bull earrings) . But like I said I am one of those what if guy's so there you go. And just let me say that a gun does not make me feel a little more bad butt, I just like to fish till dark and I am afraid of things that go bump in the night.
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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby duckdog » June 14th, 2013, 12:44 am

Hey you know what ? I will never carry a gun again, forget that I ever mentioned it, nothing to see here , move along. Guns scare me more than Pit bulls and Mountain Lions any way. Next waterfowl season I am going to use a nerf cross bow. Now that is bad butt. Wish me luck.
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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby Packer » June 14th, 2013, 1:19 am

duckdog wrote: Next waterfowl season I am going to use a nerf cross bow. Now that is bad butt. Wish me luck.

How sporting of you! GOOD LUCK! :bananadance:
Can you carry a concealable weapon while nerf waterfowl hunting?
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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby duckdog » June 14th, 2013, 6:40 am

Yes it is quite sporting of me isn't it . As far as carrying concealed while nerf waterfowl hunting goes , I am such a scoff-law that I really don't give a hoot if it's legal , my nerf pistol is coming with me too !
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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby Sasha » June 14th, 2013, 8:41 am

duckdog wrote:Sasha, like I said , when I do carry it is not because I am fretting over a bunch of guy's clad in Simms gear. It's all about the cat's and if a cat get's the drop on me that gun will never get off my hip , round in the chamber or not. So I keep the chamber empty. If that makes little sense to you or any one else that's fine, you can have your opinion ,I really don't care much-- a little yes, but not too much. Being one of those "what if " types I do carry at least 2 weeks worth of food,under wear and sock's . A large plastic tarp, 45-50 8' 2x4's , a camp stove and a small refrigerator. It's amazing what you can fit in an Orvis vest. Oh yeah , and I am a really careful driver. I rarely drive faster than 10mph which is why my East side trips usually take 3 week's. The likely hood that I will ever need a weapon of any kind is really microscopic to say the least ( although the 2 pit bulls on the kern almost qualified and if the owners had not arrived when they did I would have been wearing a couple of pit bull earrings) . But like I said I am one of those what if guy's so there you go. And just let me say that a gun does not make me feel a little more bad butt, I just like to fish till dark and I am afraid of things that go bump in the night.

I was more trying to understand why one would have a tool with them that was not ready to use.
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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby duckdog » June 14th, 2013, 9:47 am

Well you know, you may have a point there. When I am by myself and walking back to my truck in the dark it probably makes more sense to have a round in the chamber doesn't it. Correction made,new rules of engagement now apply. That is of course if I were ever to ever open carry again with anything other than a nerf weapon. Thanks Sasha -makes sense.
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Re: Carry weapons while fishing

Postby briansII » June 14th, 2013, 10:49 am

duckdog wrote: Next waterfowl season I am going to use a nerf cross bow. Now that is bad butt. Wish me luck.

That nerf arrow prolly has the same effective range as the steel shot you are now required to use. ;)

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