This story makes me hate California more and more. Seriously what kind of punishment is not being able to obtain a fishing license (something they probably never bought before anyways), paying a total of $410 in fines (chump change all things considered) and 30 days of "hard labor" (whatever that means) going to deter? I would like to see what California deems as hard labor these days. Knowing how pansy California is, its probably cleaning a house or mowing a lawn.
Honestly why do we even have wardens and game laws? It must have cost the state tens of thousands to catch these clowns then bring them to court and the State gets $410 back from all three. Genius. I imagine this is not an isolated case, I'm sure its commonplace. If I were a warden I would just quit, honestly what's the point? All that work and its barely a slap on the wrist. It seems like a pointless endeavor. Obviously the laws didn't deter them from committing the crime now the actual punishment will not.
What a joke. I'd would be surprised a year from now these jokers are at some other lake doing the same thing all over again. California you suck.
Haven't been on this board for a while and first thing I read my BP is up. I need to calm down, Luc post up a pic of the 10lber you got last weekend.