REALTIME FLOWS    U. Kern: n/a cfs    L. Kern: 1341 cfs    E.W: 312 cfs    U. Owens: 108 cfs    L. Owens: 496 cfs   09/02/19 1:15 PM PST

Closing the Books on 2013

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Closing the Books on 2013

Postby WanderingBlues » December 27th, 2013, 6:14 pm

As we wind down the year, what was the best thing(s) about 2013, and what does 2014 hold?

I didn't get out as much this past season, but still managed some standout moments. 5fish and I put water under bridge and did some work in Kennedy Meadows this Spring and sampled a few brews. Soon after, FlocktotheWall and his bro joined me for some epic Golden Trout hunting in the Treasure Lakes region. And an amazing suicide run to. ETC with the good Dr.Creek talked me down off the ledge from work stress. The best, though, had to be not catching anything on the Trinity with my son, now a big college man.

2014 should see a return to Volcano and a bucket list trip to Lee's Ferry with Papa and Midger. I hope the locals are better so I can see more of you clowns!

How about you?
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Re: Closing the Books on 2013

Postby Jimbo Roberts » December 27th, 2013, 8:56 pm

If you are thinking about going to tailwaters on your bucket lists might I suggest something else. From what I have heard from some of my friends Lee's Ferry's big fish numbers are way down. Most reporting just a bunch of 12-14" Rainbows. Now you may want to go just to be in the bottom of the Colorado Canyon there and I can't deny it's beautiful. But if it's big fish you are after why not come a little further east and fish the San Juan in Northwest New Mexico or even the Green in Utah? They are still loaded with big Trout. Then there is always the South Fork of the Snake (in Idaho) another tailwater but this one with a bunch of Snake River Cutts. Just something to think about. I would also suggest chasing Cutts in Wyoming. I'm going back this summer to do some more exploring myself.

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Re: Closing the Books on 2013

Postby fly addict » December 28th, 2013, 8:35 am

The last time I was there in 1984 you could catch fish like this.
This pig was caught on a streamer.

I’m not too picky when it comes to fishing for trout. I plan on fishing the L Owens a lot this season. And if we are lucky spend time in the locals.
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Re: Closing the Books on 2013

Postby midger » December 28th, 2013, 2:43 pm

I've fished both those tailwaters mentioned and the Green is truly a great float through some pretty canyon water. It also holds some nice fish but in February I imagine it's pretty cold plus it's 5 hours further to drive it. The San Juan also hold some nice fish, but not so pretty an area and I hate the combat fishing mentality that place carries. Honestly in 40 years of fishing many places, I've never been to an area with so many rude fishermen and a place that literally made me want to slash some tires. The only place I found it tolerable was down near the campground area several miles below Texas Hole.

Fishing Lee's Ferry is the prettiest of the three and I've always fared pretty well there especially during the attempted spawn of the rainbows when they are in the shallower flats during December through late February/
early March. Plus it's an area we can drive to in about 7.5 hours, so.............

Chasing Cutts in Wyoming sounds great, but not in February. ;)
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Re: Closing the Books on 2013

Postby briansII » December 29th, 2013, 11:05 am

WanderingBlues wrote:As we wind down the year, what was the best thing(s) about 2013, and what does 2014 hold?

How about you?

"The best" typically revolves around something I did with the kid. Spending time on the water with her is about as good as it gets. Creekin'/bass fishing with the kid, and the SSFFC Kid's Academy were highlights for me.

Hate to be a Debbie Downer, but with the miserable water situation we have, 2014 isn't looking so good right now. I HOPE to add a few+ steel trips in 14', but I may end up spending more time at the Delta. If we have the water, I hope to revisit some of my favorite trout haunts that have been put on the back burner. Shad on a 2 hander.

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Re: Closing the Books on 2013

Postby dray » December 29th, 2013, 12:27 pm

I definitely did not get out as much in 2013 as in years past, but I'm hoping to change that for the new year. When I did manage to get out, I was able to meet a few guys from our board and that was cool.

2014 will make me 1/2 of a 100 on my birthday with twenty five years of service in my career. So theoretically, I can pull the plug, however, kids in college and life issues will not allow me to do so for a few more years. At least I have the option to hit the road at any time if I feel the need to do so.

I plan on getting back to bamboo rod building more in 2014. And I hope to learn the art of the two handed rod and the Spey cast.

Beyond 2014 who knows, but I'm getting out of Cali, that's for sure!!!

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Re: Closing the Books on 2013

Postby Flatsix » December 30th, 2013, 8:04 am

Fished the surf a handful of times, caught Halibut, Spot Fin and Perch. Surf has a large learning curve, I plan on doing more of this but first I'd like to hire a guide to help me read the surf.

Fished Vail Lake for Largemouth and had a great first outing. Went back again last weekend and got skunked. Now I'm trying to decide on sinking tips or sinking line. I got's gotta be the gear!

Fished the San Joaquin, Owens and Starkweather with a newbie flyfisher and had a great time watching the excitement with every fish. Now I've been to the surf and tubing Bass lakes with the same guy, it's fun to watch, he's starting to get it.

Fished the Owens with my 13yr old Daughter for a couple of days in the Spring. Just me and Lauren for 2 days. Talked a lot about a lot of stuff and caught a few fish. These days don't last and you never get another chance so I try to get out when ever we get a break from school, work and water polo.

I do miss the local water and wish we had more consistent rain.
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Re: Closing the Books on 2013

Postby Papasequoia » December 31st, 2013, 2:28 am

Overall, I had a pretty good year. My "days on the water" continues to go down since my visits to the Kern (the nearest water to me) have dropped to once or twice a year from what used to be almost weekly during some seasons. On the other hand, the quality may have gone up.

I got in 40 full days on the water this year (compared to 44 last year). I fished at least once every month of the year. There were several new outings and/or new people I fished with. Started the year off with a bang fishing for steelhead with Luc.


Followed that up with another trip to Pyramid with a motley crew of addicts which resulted in no fish but was still a bang. Several trips with Mike during the spring and some spring skiing with the boys made that a fun season. For some reason, even though I have driven past it for years, I had never fished Crowley. Probably because I prefer moving water - nevertheless, it was something I had long wanted to do and BobK was kind enough to get me out on the lake for the first time. A nice hike with the wife and oldest son to a beautiful high country lake in June rounded out the first half of the year.



July of course brought the great GTW opener and backpack shared with many addicts (I think we were 21 this year??!) Not everyone made it into the group pic, unfortunately.



The highlight of the year may have been the first installment of the retirement home search tour where I hit Bozeman and Boise. In Bozeman, an old friend from like 30 years ago had found me on Facebook, saw my fish pics and sent me a message. "Hey, I see you are a fly fisherman - me too! I live in Bozeman, I have a drift boat, why don't you come visit?" Hmm, twist my arm. A few days there and then a few days with Mike showing me around his town (Boise) was an excellent midsummer break.


The fall was fairly slow with the exception of the annual Volcano Party which was a lot of fun, partly because I got to meet some new addicts and also because my oldest son joined us, fly fishing for the first time in a couple of years. Due to the drought the fishing was slower than usual this year, but it was still a great time.



Starting in late October though things slowed down a bit. I rented the condo for the whole ski season this year (gotta pay the mortgage somehow) so I was up in late Oct. and early Nov. cleaning and getting it ready and gee, what a surprise, finding some time to fish the locals. In December I finally got out with Mike for an overnight to fish the Big Reedy for a couple of days. That was a nice way to round out the year.


For the New Year, who knows? Luc and I will be headed north for steelhead again in January, so I can't wait for that. Mike and Curtis and I have a trip planned February which he mentioned that will be to a new spot (for me) so those are a couple of good trips to at least get things off on the right foot. Other than that, and of course the Volcano Party, I don't know what the rest of the year holds. The wife and I are interested in checking out the Pacific Northwest area for retirement home search II, so that might be our summer trip. Either that or put a magnetic GPS tracking device on Jimbo's rental car and sneak around following him fishing for cutthroat for a few weeks in the summer. :lol:

All in all, fewer days, but some quality stuff. More fishing and more friends is my hope for myself and for all of us for the New Year. :grouphug: Jon
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Re: Closing the Books on 2013

Postby flocktothewall » January 8th, 2014, 11:57 am

I'd say that 2013 was a great year for me. I didn't get out to fish as much as I would have liked but it was still packed with a lot of memorable moments.

In may I caught my first Golden Trout with Curtis, and experienced "wildcatting" from him at its best as well... In that trip, I had Javelina, and Venison for the first time as well. It was my first time fishing with someone on this forum, and I had a really good time. Despite the differences in the worlds we live in, we had fun enjoying our common love: fishing.


In June I fished a local branch of water that I had never thought was accessible, and found a love for that spot as it shaves about 15 min on my last known closest local, and means less time traveling more time fishing.


In August, we spent a week in Mammoth with family, and I fished a lake (with no success) that I had heard legends about, the journey there was so much fun, (it cost me a mud guard). I definitely will try again. My wife let me fish every day in the Am hours, and one full day @ previously mentioned lake. She is good to me, watching 2 kids under 3 at a alpine lake with nothing to do while I fished


I also celebrated my 30th birthday, it was a great deal of fun, and leaving my 20's behind wasn't as bad as I thought.

In September, I finally hiked to the top of Mt. Whitney. Something that I wanted to do for 6 years, and now, I cant wait to go again.


In November, my brother in law and I took a trip to the Owens Valley to take advantage of the low flows of the Owens, and we had a great "turnaround trip" There I caught my PB Brown Trout.

In December our little baby girl turned 1, and we reflected on the first days of her life in ICU, but now, she is healthy, strong, and growing like crazy and It makes me look back at all the great moments, fishing or non and Thank God for such a blessed year.

I look forward to what the future holds.
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