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Screen Names

For topics that don't seem to have a home elsewhere.

Re: Screen Names

Postby Wildman » August 19th, 2008, 5:10 pm

My radio call sign in Viet Nam was Wildman66. I shortened it on this forum.
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Re: Screen Names

Postby RubiKinda » August 19th, 2008, 5:34 pm

I just used the same name from my jeep forum and didn't want to have to remember another one. I have a jeep wrangler LJ that is sometimes referred to as being "sick". Pretty plain and simple.

Re: Screen Names

Postby Sasha » August 19th, 2008, 5:41 pm

Sorry I just use my first name nothing creative.
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Re: Screen Names

Postby Sasha » August 19th, 2008, 5:52 pm

wildfly wrote:
RubiKinda wrote:
Yeah... ok... bring on the smurf comments about the FJ!

I thought F.J. stood for F@ggy Jeep wanna be. :lol: :lol: ;)
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Re: Screen Names

Postby RichardCullip » August 19th, 2008, 7:32 pm

I've got absolutely no imagination whatsoever so I just used my real name ;)
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Re: Screen Names

Postby Papasequoia » August 19th, 2008, 7:33 pm

I have a doctorate (PhD) in Latin American Literature, so Spanish Doctor got shortened to Spandoc which I use here and as an email address.
The name I use on a couple of other forums, Papasequoia, came about while hiking one time when my two boys were really young. They saw a big sequoia tree and called it a Papa Sequoia. Things evolved (devolved?) until I was Papasequoia, so I took that for a screen name. Jon
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Re: Screen Names

Postby ocmike » August 19th, 2008, 7:37 pm

I'm nearly as creative as Richard.

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Re: Screen Names

Postby mk4 » August 19th, 2008, 9:45 pm

wildfly wrote:

I'd take down that picture and tow that Heep to the junkyard before anyone finds out.

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Re: Screen Names

Postby Sasha » August 19th, 2008, 10:00 pm

wildfly wrote:
Sasha wrote:
wildfly wrote:
Ouch!!!! I guess that's why it's my wife's car, not mine??? I drive a quad cab Tacoma 4x4 in silver... it's my fishing truck.

Seriously though... I hate having to "moderate" but I feel it might possibly be offensive for some that might frequent the board to use slang terms for homosexuality in jest...even if just meant for fun. Don't worry, I'm not going to quadruple lifetime ban you or anything crazy, I just wanted to say that and hopefully you guys agree that terms that could be offensive based on one's orientation or race probably might offend someone. I have no problems with you calling someone an "butt" though. I can even be one at times. This is the last time I'll bring this up, and only because I want to avoid confrontation or uncomfortable situations between members. Peace is good! :D

If, however, you don't mind using those terms, I won't do anything. Just don't come crying back to me when that person goes freestyle on your butt and rips you a new one! ;)

Edit: Please don't read that last line wrong!!!! I meant figuratively... with words.

Well I actually was thinking of a different F word at first but I thought that particular word might have been a little more offensive so I went with choice two. I can edit the post if you wish, just let me know. I was just pokin fun at ya :D Thats OK my only 4X4 is an 07 Explorer that my wife drives, you should see the POS I take fishing in the back country. Which is funny because the car I drive was my wifes car from when we first got married. I thought about getting a new one but I am enjoying not having 2 car payments for once.
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Re: Screen Names

Postby darrin terry » August 19th, 2008, 10:07 pm

Well, I was CreekWalker (that's what I did when fishing after all) on another board, though not a fishing one. It was a board for prepress techs in the printing industry. I was going to use it on flyfishing boards, but the first one I signed on at, the ItinerantAngler board has requested that all users use their real names, first and last, as their online IDs. Reason being that the owner feels that if people are not hiding behind an anonymous screen name they will be less likely to be rude to each other. I must say that on the whole, that board is pretty civil. It is also mostly unmoderated. There have been a few issues but it works pretty well IMO. Consequently, when joining the Kern board, I used my real name. I could care less if others choose to do so, but I'll keep with this. I think it keeps people honest and civil. Everyone knows my name up front.

Some of the names people come up with are pretty good though. I appreciate the back story sometimes too. It's nice to know there was a reason for some of them and that not all were made up on the spot when signing on the first time.

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Re: Screen Names

Postby ColoradoXJ » August 20th, 2008, 6:56 am

O.K. you "fruitcakes", don't get your panties in a ruffle.... :o <----- that's not offensive, is it? :oops:

ColoradoXJ because I drive a built cherokee and that is commonly referred to in the jeepin' world as an 'XJ' for short. And I live in Colorado. Tough one to figure out! I am on a couple other boards as redbull, and that stems from every single wheelin trip I used to go on I always slammed redbulls on my way to the trailhead! I've since slowed down on that nonsense and just sip quad shot carmel macchiatos from starbucks. :mrgreen:

And yes, I think wildfly should change his screen name to 'smurf-mobile'. That would be cool. Everyone knows the truck is Lisa's!
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Re: Screen Names

Postby Barrie Mann » August 20th, 2008, 11:58 am

On other boards I go by the screen name of eastern fly simply because I come from back east and beyond. However, I tired of hiding behind a screen name and decided to use my real name on this board. Not sorry that I did and still waiting to be banned from another board just like my good friend the Dr. :D :D
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Re: Screen Names

Postby Justin » August 20th, 2008, 1:20 pm

I just tried to keep it simple so I used my first name....Justin
Not very exciting but it works and I don't have to think about it each time I log in.
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Re: Screen Names

Postby Benny » August 20th, 2008, 2:19 pm

Hmmm, I first started out on the other board as BigBearBen...The reason was that I loved to tube Big Bear Lake and just sort of thought that was cool, eeh. Then from BigBearBen I sort of morphed to Flyfisher70 as became more obssesed with anything fly fishing, although I still carry the Flyfisher70 screen name on a few other boards. Then I finally developed into just plain ol Benny. It was kind of a step towards letting everyone know I didn't hide behind a screen name. I try and tell it like it is most times and alot of people would perfer I kept my keyboard unplugged. Well that's the way it is for me anyhow.
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Re: Screen Names

Postby anacrime » August 20th, 2008, 8:21 pm

i grew up in anaheim

there is crime in anaheim

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