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Is winter coming back?

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Is winter coming back?

Postby rayfound » January 21st, 2009, 10:01 am

The NOAA forcast is calling for a bit more snow on the way... though temps remain fairly warm, so the snow level is high.

Here's for San G:

At least it looks like we're going to get some more moisture.

Man, I'm really hoping for a good snowpack. locally, Sierras, and Colorado (To refill the Colorado river reservoirs)
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Re: Is winter coming back?

Postby Sasha » January 21st, 2009, 11:48 am

rayfound wrote:The NOAA forcast is calling for a bit more snow on the way... though temps remain fairly warm, so the snow level is high.

Here's for San G:

At least it looks like we're going to get some more moisture.

Man, I'm really hoping for a good snowpack. locally, Sierras, and Colorado (To refill the Colorado river reservoirs)

I don't know about you guys but it is cold as $hit up here. It is that type of cold that feels like a knfe going through you. What is strange is that it was colder a few weeks ago but for some reason it feels worse this past week. We too are forecasted for snow this weekend, I hope it does as I love the snow.
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Re: Is winter coming back?

Postby Rockstar Fisherman » January 21st, 2009, 12:21 pm

I hate the cold gloomy weather we get up here in Bakersfield, so I've been enjoying the nice warm weather, especially when I was down in L.A. this past weekend. 8-) 8-)

However I was wondering the same thing. We're in our 2nd straight record drought ever in Bakersfield, I can't help but wonder if this might be the 3rd. I sure hope it's not, and I too would like to see Lake Mead get some water as well as the rest, or the reservoirs on the Colorado River system.
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Re: Is winter coming back?

Postby Benny » January 21st, 2009, 12:56 pm

The weather forecasters are predicting another La Nina year and it looks as if there will be another drought. 3 years of drought is really going to stress the fish out big time....
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Re: Is winter coming back?

Postby midger » January 21st, 2009, 2:48 pm

Is winter coming back? Judging from the caterpillar and squirrel coats, NO! Awfully thin.

Judging from the bleak amounts of rain we've received? NO!

Judging from the warm temperatures--it's 55 degrees up here today at 6000'! NO!

I hope I'm wrong, but it doesn't look good.
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Re: Is winter coming back?

Postby buggravy » January 21st, 2009, 5:26 pm

Benny wrote:The weather forecasters are predicting another La Nina year and it looks as if there will be another drought.

If I remember correctly (and I'm not at all sure that I am) we were technically in a La Nina pattern in 05/06 when we had the 2nd wettest year on record. Does anyone else remember that to be the case, or not?
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Re: Is winter coming back?

Postby Rockstar Fisherman » January 21st, 2009, 5:35 pm

buggravy wrote:
Benny wrote:The weather forecasters are predicting another La Nina year and it looks as if there will be another drought.

If I remember correctly (and I'm not at all sure that I am) we were technically in a La Nina pattern in 05/06 when we had the 2nd wettest year on record. Does anyone else remember that to be the case, or not?

La nina and El nino are exploited words as far as I'm concerned nowdays. First time I ever heard of them was in 1998 (El nino) I believe when we had the wettest season ever, then came la nina. Since then the weather people have blamed everything on El nino and La nina, and thats just my opinion without getting into the specifics of what weather patterns they actually are. :ugeek:
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Re: Is winter coming back?

Postby JGray » January 21st, 2009, 7:14 pm

Figure this one. We have had temperatures in the 70's the past three days in Denver and 40's and 50's in the mountains. This is January right?
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Re: Is winter coming back?

Postby Rockstar Fisherman » January 22nd, 2009, 12:57 am

JGray wrote:Figure this one. We have had temperatures in the 70's the past three days in Denver and 40's and 50's in the mountains. This is January right?

That actually sounds INSANE, if that's how it were normally in winter I'd relocate to Denver (I love it there)!!! As much as I wish the weather was like that there all the time I know it's not a good thing, so I'll stay put in Cali, eventhough technically it's still too warm/dry here for water purposes. Thank god it's at least raining here as I write this.
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Re: Is winter coming back?

Postby Sasha » January 23rd, 2009, 8:51 am

Well it snowed a little here last night and it is supposed to snow some more this weekend. So I guess that winter is trying to make a comeback up here.
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