Well, it's been a while, but we're on the road again. Over Christmas, we got the house ready for sale. It hit the market and sold in a day at asking price. As soon as we sold most of our "stuff" and were confident escrow would go through, we bid farewell to our home and SoCal.
We made our way up Hwy 127 towards Death Valley and went off the grid for a few days. It was nice hiking and finding old mining camps.
We found ourselves in Death Valley for a week for the super bloom of wildflowers. It was an amazing event, and something that should be experienced. Color blanketing the desert and the sweet smell of wildflowers.. Man.
The people enjoyed running through the color to the point of wearing it...
We did a lot of hiking and hanging out. It was a relaxing week. Then we'd usually sit out under the Milky Way and enjoy the desert night.
So far, so good. No fishing, though. Next stop, Vegas. Then after that I may be tossing flies in Northern New Mexico. See you on the road.