duckdog wrote:I have always tried to get Karen out there , so I have always had at least 2. Over the years we would upgrade and keep the old ones as backup. We had 5 at one point. Yeah, that was a bit much.
That's awesome. Yesterday I was daydreaming about how much I really enjoy my Echo - the 6wt one that Stanbery added the fighting butt to. I'm thinking I might pick up an OT shift to pay for another one. By far, its my favorite salt stick. It just throws sooo right for me and I'm comfortable with it. Of course if I get one, that just means I'll be having to beg Jon to fix me up with another fighting butt addition. Uhhh... pretty please?
It might be an inexpensive low-end rod, but it sure feels great when our bay fish are hanging on to the business end.