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Overall Disappointment

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Re: Overall Disappointment

Postby Papasequoia » August 24th, 2008, 12:06 pm

That post has been bothering me ever since I read it yesterday as well. It does seem out of character for Guy, something I would have considered beneath him. But, there are all kinds of "politics" in the workplace that rear their ugly head from time to time. Who knows. Given the benefit of the doubt, perhaps this other guide did just ask him to give him a plug and the timing is unfortunate. On the other hand, I'm sure Guy knows very well where David is located. Hopefully all of this will sort itself out soon and we can all go fishing; either on the Kern, the east side or both!
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Re: Overall Disappointment

Postby Barrie Mann » August 24th, 2008, 1:58 pm

Like the two previous posts I have also been concerned by the post on the Kern Board, but not surprised. I do believe that there are ill feelings on both sides of the fence concerning this issue. As Jon states it's somewhat political. I know for a fact that feelings are easily hurt and when that occurs words are spoken or written that the person either speaking or writing will regret later.
I am a member of the Kern Board and have been for some time. I do not post often anymore because I see the same old stories, pictures and gripes. In all honesty I am tired of all the BS I see and hear. I'm hoping that this board does not regress into the same format. I enjoy open exchange of ideas and comments and am a firm believer in freedom of speech as long as it doesn't attack individuals unfairly or give the opportunity for response. So far I haven't seen the trend on this board to go in that manner. I wish I could say the say for the Kern board. Just my opinion that's all.
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Re: Overall Disappointment

Postby 1mocast » August 24th, 2008, 3:12 pm

Lets just say hypothetically, that if a member - any registered member - would put that post up.

Doesn't it go against the "Forum rule reminder" part about advertisement?

Here is part of the quote:
"If you remember, in the membership agreement, two of the inappropriate items mentioned were advertisements and solicitations. These seem to be the ones most often forgotten by posters. This forum is not intended to advertise businesses or web sites or to promote a business or venture, especially when it is something in competition with the businesses that are sponsors of this forum..."

Things to ponder... :ugeek:
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Re: Overall Disappointment

Postby anacrime » August 24th, 2008, 3:31 pm

1mocast wrote:Lets just say hypothetically, that if a member - any registered member - would put that post up.

Doesn't it go against the "Forum rule reminder" part about advertisement?

Here is part of the quote:
"If you remember, in the membership agreement, two of the inappropriate items mentioned were advertisements and solicitations. These seem to be the ones most often forgotten by posters. This forum is not intended to advertise businesses or web sites or to promote a business or venture, especially when it is something in competition with the businesses that are sponsors of this forum..."

Things to ponder... :ugeek:

Good point Mark.

So who's gonna throw up a plug for David? 8-)
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Re: Overall Disappointment

Postby Barrie Mann » August 24th, 2008, 5:07 pm

In response to Anacrime's question as to who is going to give a"plug" for David I will respond in this manner. Having known David for a few years now and had the pleasure to fish with him a couple of times not as a client but just as a fellow angler I will tell you he doesn't need any "plugs". David is very well known is Southern and Central California fly fishing circles as being a first rate guide and stand up guy. His reputation proceeds him. Already he has demonstrated just by his posts on this board his ability to find not only fish but trophy fish in any water he fishes. He will very quickly become the guide of choice in the Eastern Sierra just because of his ability and personality. Don't cry for David. If you must cry, then do so for Guy Jeans because he was foolish enough to let this happen and lost an extraordinary guide and person when David left the Kern River Valley.
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Re: Overall Disappointment

Postby Papasequoia » August 24th, 2008, 6:01 pm

anacrime wrote:Good point Mark. So who's gonna throw up a plug for David? 8-)

I did. It got deleted within minutes. At least I got an email signed Guy and Raquel stating his/their reasons for deleting it. That's all I'd like to say about that.

Barrie Mann wrote:Don't cry for David. If you must cry, then do so for Guy Jeans because he was foolish enough to let this happen and lost an extraordinary guide and person when David left the Kern River Valley.

You said it Barrie. I'm sure that in spite of this David will do quite well. I hope that they both do. And that's all I'd like to say about that as well. Jon

Edit: I just saw that the post has now been locked.
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Re: Overall Disappointment

Postby Benny » August 24th, 2008, 6:41 pm

This sort of sounds like a scene out of Forrest Gump

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Re: Overall Disappointment

Postby Benny » August 24th, 2008, 7:10 pm

Benny wrote:

"That's all I'd like to say about that."

I just quoted myselfImage
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Re: Overall Disappointment

Postby anacrime » August 24th, 2008, 11:57 pm

wildfly wrote::o :shock: :o :shock:

Is this what happens when I'm not on the forum all day? Man... we need gas prices to go down so everyone can get out fishing (and guiding) more.

Agreed! I'm having withdrawals
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Re: Overall Disappointment

Postby KRoberts1 » August 25th, 2008, 2:36 am


While I see where one might construe something from Guy's recommendation of Pat as a slight against David, Guy did give David a good plug in a comment to my post "Mammoth Vacation' on his website, where I had David working with my wife for a day. I thought that was quite admirable of him.

"I'll agree with Kieth, Dave is a great guide and will get you into fish. Look him up if you are ever in the Eastern Sierras.


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Re: Overall Disappointment

Postby mk4 » August 25th, 2008, 4:54 am

I came over here thinking that I could get away from some of the junk present elsewhere. I also wanted to go to place where more serious fishermen were present - guys and gals that actually spend time on the water rather than on the keyboard.

Forget about the past and move on. Let's keep this board FF focused.
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Re: Overall Disappointment

Postby Rollincast » August 25th, 2008, 5:32 am

mk4 wrote:I came over here thinking that I could get away from some of the junk present elsewhere. I also wanted to go to place where more serious fishermen were present - guys and gals that actually spend time on the water rather than on the keyboard.

Forget about the past and move on. Let's keep this board FF focused.

I agree with mk4, how long is this going to continue? Why is this still an issue, it seems like both parties have moved on. Why can't everyone else. Until that happens, this site is no different than all the others.

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Re: Overall Disappointment

Postby fflutterffly » August 25th, 2008, 6:38 am

Why don't we stop this. Let's get on to the fishing and agree that everyone involved are both good at what they do. It was time for David to move to the next logical step. Guy has a great service on the Kern. David need to begin his own. Let's support them both. Divorce is ugly and things are said rash and sometimes harshly. Evenutally, adults come to a middle ground and often times,become friends. Shake hands and lets all just help each other be the best fly fisherman we can. It's going to be hard economically for everyone. Let's all stay on the same page and help each other out the best we can. IMHO
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Re: Overall Disappointment

Postby Rollincast » August 25th, 2008, 10:29 am

wildfly wrote:Randy, do you want me to show you how this site is different than the others? I will right now by not banning you, not deleting this post, and not locking this thread. I will just say thank you for your input and for visiting our site, I thoroughly enjoy your presence here and I really hope that we can fish soon so you can get to know me better and I the same with you. This thread will go on as long as people have something to say about it. However, you won't find David or I jumping in to it to do any "bashing" or explaining about the situation at hand. We'd rather just show you more fish and make a cool place here to hang out. It's up to you guys to turn it into whatever you want... it lives and dies with the members of this forum, not the management of the forum (I being the "management"... David is actually a member like you all, though he does give input once in a while). I hope this is understandable and that you can continue to enjoy the site. I'm glad that you've been a part of it so far.

That's what I'm looking for......a place to hang out and chat about everything that is fly fishing. And of course pics, lots of pics. I don't post on very many forums anymore, it seems that the "IN" thing to do is bash whoever you can now days. It's just not what I'm looking for right now. I'm not looking for a place where everyone stands around the fire holding hands and singing,. Opinions will vary on all subjects, that's healthy and gives us all different ways of looking at all the issues. I love to hear all the different views that people have, and have had my eyes opened more than once thanks to other opinions. It is cool that you have decided to let the members control where this forum is headed, I have fished with most of them and I'm sure it will be in the right direction. We all share the same passion or should I say addiction. :D :D


P.S. Looks like the lower river over your way is just about ready to bust open for some smallies. 8-) 8-) I'm ready...... :D :D Lets get together.
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Re: Overall Disappointment

Postby stlhdr » August 25th, 2008, 10:32 am

Well, finally some people who want to have forum(s) for the right reasons are showing up. For the past several days this reading has been tedious at best on both forums. Some folks just have to get caught up in the bashing of others...non C&R fishermen, families who camp along the kern...even posters who just want to poke fun at the lunacy going on in the discussions get bashed. It's clear to me that some here and there are just enjoying all the they don't have enough excitement in real life so they need to stir the pot here.

I am on the other forum because I left Bakersfied 25 years ago and miss the Kern from Gordon's Ferry all the way up. It allows me to see the river again and vicariously enjoy it the way I did in the 70's a couple of days/week after work...I'm on this one for the same reasons and because there's information on other state waters, a gear section and so's just different enough to be a nice addition to my reading...and I think Dave's reports from the east side are amazing.

Some of us are unlucky enough to live 4.5 hours from the nearest freshwater fly fishing and want to enjoy the fun of others until we can break away and do it ourselves. Some of us have questions or need help in improving as anglers. I think wildfly should have a section for "rants and insanity" and move these threads there so the rest of us don't have to see them in a fishing category...

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