Anyhow, today I'm getting ready to make a run up the 14 in the morning and a buddy who is going with me and has me teaching him to fly fish is over. We had just come back from WalMart so that my buddy john could p/u some items for tomorrows trip. BTW: My local WalMart recently put in a decent little fly section for the middle of the desert. So john is showing my wife what he bought and he shows her a few of the boxes of flies that he purchased and snivels about having to pay $5.25 for each box of 5 flys.
Forward ahead about an hour and my wife walks out into the garage and see 7-8 full fly boxes opened up for John to see. Now being as how my wife is an accountant it didn't take her very long at all to figure out that just one side of one of the boxes had over 100 flies and..... Well you can guess how happy she was to know that I had just bought another box of 5 midges for myself while we were there. I tried to explane about how cheap I buy them from STP but that I have to buy a dozen at a time to get the good prices or how much cheaper it is to buy on-line. All I have to say is that I'm really looking forward to finding some water tomorrow and maybe even breaking the cherry on my new 1wt.

Thank goodness she has no clue how much the flys that were bought from the local flyshops cost.