We arrived a the trail head

You ever try hiking up a trail with a 40 pound fishcat

Zee almost at the lake


Zee float tubing the inlet area. notice the shore fisherman. I was surprised how many people showed up over the weekend

Lunch, Brookies sure make for some good lunch in the backcountry.

The wind really picked up sat. night. We figured it was blowing 50 to 60 miles a hour at times. We heard a big
crack and this is what we saw in the morning.. Only about 20 foot away from r tents.

We decided it was a good idea and pack it in and head over to Mammoth. Took a couple of pictures of some Brookie fry. via Mark style

Tubed Upper twins for just a couple of fish( big winds made for a very hard day of fishing) water fall by twin lakes

Spent a little bit of time at the creek Monday afternoon.

The highlight of my weekend

All in all a great weekend of fishing. Zee thanks for sharing such a great weekend with me.