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For topics that don't seem to have a home elsewhere.


Postby Danny McB » September 4th, 2008, 6:50 pm

Hello everybody,

I just found this site about three hours ago and am stoked to say the least. I just wanted to throw out a little intro for you all. I am a 30 year old living in SLO, Ca and have had this fly fishing bug for about 5 years now and am an addict without a doubt. My favorite fishing (all I do is fly fish) is for the little wild ones way up high and also I am really enjoying chuckin bugs in the surf as well. I am a 99.9% C&R fisherman that leaves that tiny little percentage out because I have been chasing my first leagal halibut from the surf on a fly for 3 years now and cant really say what will happen when I finnaly land her. I am a huge consevationist and try with all of my might to leave it better than I found it at all times and try to educate as best I can when the opportunity presents itself.

I recognize a lot of names from another forum I visit as well. And am glad to see that some of my early on line teachers are here as well. I found this site because I want to learn more and feed my fishing mind. As well as share my experiences/ learning curves with you all as well. You may not remember me but Dr. Creek, Randy, Gabe, Eric, Benny and others I dont remember right now all have been huge parts of my flyfishing life whether you/ they knew it or not so..............Thank You.

One other little note: I have noticed that another forum is talked about on here and I have no clue whats going on and frankly dont really want to know or bring any drama into something I cherish so much. I have no problem with the other forum or its owners and will still continue to visit/ patronize as much as possible. What I was doing was wanting to learn more and when I saw this site and a few members names I knew I had to sign up! I dont know why I posted this other than to say that I am not really part of a mass exodus or anything I just am who I am and dont really want to take sides/ get into it. (I really like the idea of having a forum just for these rants and such so it can be all bottled up into one)

Anyways Im really glad I found this site so thank you to whoever built it, I will do my best to support and patronize this site as well.

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Re: Hello..

Postby Eric » September 4th, 2008, 7:03 pm

Danny take up a seat and enjoy!!!!!
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Re: Hello..

Postby flybob » September 4th, 2008, 7:10 pm

Welcome Danny, I think we all bring a little baggage to the bus, heck they accepted me :mrgreen:
Don't worry about the drama, it will pass soon, I think the upcoming election has everyone a little on edge! Happens every four years.
Now get busy and post some pictures of FisH!

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Re: Hello..

Postby 1mocast » September 4th, 2008, 8:36 pm

Welcome Danny! Hope you catch your first legal butt! (Not ment to be perverted in any way)...
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Re: Hello..

Postby RichardCullip » September 4th, 2008, 8:42 pm

Welcome, Danny. How's that surf fishing going for you? I know what you mean about a legal halibut from the surf. That might tempt me to catch & eat just once ;)
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Re: Hello..

Postby Sasha » September 4th, 2008, 8:55 pm

Welcome :!:

This is a great site
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Re: Hello..

Postby anacrime » September 4th, 2008, 9:09 pm



Hooked on tube, landed on beach. Not fly caught unfortunately, but caught on an artificial lure. At over 19lbs I don't know what I would do with a fish like this on a fly rod. Where are you from? I might be able to direct you to some halis. They're a by-catch for us when catching bass and WSB.
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Re: Hello..

Postby darrin terry » September 4th, 2008, 9:19 pm

anacrime wrote:Haliwhat?


Hooked on tube, landed on beach. Not fly caught unfortunately, but caught on an artificial lure. At over 19lbs I don't know what I would do with a fish like this on a fly rod. Where are you from? I might be able to direct you to some halis. They're a by-catch for us when catching bass and WSB.


Danny, welcome. I think that between the two boards we have some pretty good stuff going on. I do think the differences will likely be to everyones benefit, and like you plan on sticking with both boards. I am a bit saddened and a bit * off at the strife, but am hoping things will settle out soon. Keep the post coming man. I am looking forward to them. :D
How do you tie the fly to your hooks without killing them with the thread? I keep cutting them in half.
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Re: Hello..

Postby mk4 » September 4th, 2008, 10:12 pm

Behave yourself here and most importantly, bow down when "the one" enters the room.

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Re: Hello..

Postby darrin terry » September 4th, 2008, 10:51 pm

mk4 wrote:Behave yourself here and most importantly, bow down when "the one" enters the room.

Me, I'm here for the chicks.

The One? Neo's here? *, he never let's me know when he's in town. :lol:
How do you tie the fly to your hooks without killing them with the thread? I keep cutting them in half.
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Re: Hello..

Postby stanbery » September 5th, 2008, 3:45 am

Welocme aboard.

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Re: Hello..

Postby fflutterffly » September 5th, 2008, 6:03 am

So the votes are in! We all really want to learn from each other, share fly fishing and welcome McB to this forum. All forums are good, some more betterer then gooderer. I have found that no matter where you learn your fly fishing.... on the water is best. Glad you arrived.
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Re: Hello..

Postby Benny » September 5th, 2008, 10:49 am

Hey Danny McB, I recognize your name as well and I think we all learn from each other. Welcome aboard.
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Re: Hello..

Postby Danny McB » September 5th, 2008, 2:19 pm

Hey Everybody. Thanks for the warm welcome!

Anacrime: Great fish. I have caught a few legals in the past on conventional gear but for this one I want it from the sand in the bay of Port San Luis. Thanks for the offer and I may hit you up when I venture down south. Maybe we can fish together as well. As far as your fish and landing that one on a fly rod I wish I could give you advice. I have hooked at least two well over limit size fish that just absolutely ate me up..... line control, line control, line control is all I have to say about that and yeah line control .... :D

Anyways thanks again to all.

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