In case some of you do not know, a podcast is basically a internet broadcast format which was originally intended to be listened to using an iPod. You can also listen to some of them over the internet or by downloading them into iTunes and listening to them from your Mac or PC. I just download them so I can listen to them whether I am connected or not.

The links below are to the actual iTunes page for the particular podcast listed. Once there you can subscribe to the podcast and download them or just listen to them online. If you don't have iTunes, you can download it for free from Apple's website. It is available for Mac and PC (XP and I believe Vista). If you prefer, you might be able to get them without iTunes by searching the internet for the podcast name and going to their website. Then you may be able to download them from those locations.
Fly Fish Radio: ... d=82709602
Usually runs between 15 and 45 minutes in length. Audio interviews. The interviews with Norm Albiston are good ones. These guys also started putting on a flyfishing retreat type deal last year. Sounded like a pretty cool deal.
Itinerant Angler Podcast: ... =125855444
Usually runs between 45 and 60 minutes in length. Audio interviews.
Ask About Fly Fishing - Internet Radio: ... =135244146
Usually runs between 60 and 90 minutes in length. Audio interviews. Jason Borger does 2 or 3 good ones here. This one is also broadcast live on Wed. evenings, every other week, with prizes each time. But you do have to register in order to get in on those prizes.
Rise Form Studio: ... =219975368
These are usually shorter and are also mostly video. Fly tying, fishing techniques, etc.
Adventures In Fly Tying with Fly Fish Ohio: ... =161056920
Generally 7 to 15 minutes with a few that go longer. Mostly video. Usually shows how to tie a fly. I know, it's shocking.

Hope some of you find these helpful or at least entertaining. Something to listen to when you can't get on the water.
I am not sure what will happen with the links for those of you who don't have iTunes already installed.