Yea, I'm with you B,
the body is very slender! I do think that it's a personal preference thing though... I used to tie ultra neat flies....Lately though I have been a little more into shaggier flies. I dub the body of my Adamses with hares dubbing, I make it as tight as poss. but it still holds its shaggy appearance somewhat.
I also dig the biot bodies too, although I haven't tied an Adams with one for a while.
Don't swat it too much Buggravy!
I saw that one right after
I figured you guys would find them... impressive I must say!
briansII wrote: His hands are a blur when he wraps the wire. On the Adams, he looks like he's going at a relatively normal pace. For the Copper john, you can definitely tell he's going for speed....but the fly still looks better than my best attempts.
Couple comments. I like the way he ties off the hackle on the para Adams. Personally, I prefer the thin, tight bodies to shaggy, thick ones.......on flies!
This video confirms to me, using clipped partridge fibers is easier, and quicker, than a V notched, single feather, for Cjs.
I agree with the CJ's partridge fibers... much faster! I was looking for a way to tie off the hackles that don't look very messy as they do on all my para flies... all these years of tying and I still didn't know to do that....
I like the way he tied off the hackle, makes for a neater tie.
But I must be concerned about tying it that way, Duck brought up a good point with the hackle coming undone.. Nothing a bit of glue on the post wont take care of I would think...
Any thoughts?
for spell check!