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Those evil rods that throw 3wt and lighter lines

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Re: Those evil rods that throw 3wt and lighter lines

Postby briansII » January 28th, 2010, 4:46 pm

Sasha wrote:Ok now to address a couple of other things. I really didn’t start this thread as a result of the Sage 0wt thing. The bottom line is that I like those rods and I will fish them.

I was curious to hear from those that seem to think that rods that are rated under a certain line weight are “better” for the fish in terms of not stressing them. More specifically I wanted somebody to give me a logical answer to the question I posed in my last post. That question is the basis of why I believe the .22 analogy is not a valid one. The reason being is that I do not believe that it is physically possible to apply more pressure on X tippet just because one rod is rated as “Xwt” as opposed to “Ywt”. This fact assumes that one is a reasonable person and does not use leader and tippet that is greater than the strength of a given rod. Now obviously there are situations where one would be better suited with a different rod. For example, if I go fish Henry’s lake I am not going to take my “Xwt” rod because I know that it is not suited for those conditions (throwing streamers on intermediate sink line, with huge fish). However on a small river such as the one in my report fishing 4x (the same that I use when I fish my 5wt on that river). I do not see how it would be more beneficial (to the fish) if I were throwing a different rod.

Way too many variables to make any blanket statement, but....... :lol: :lol:

Let's take a straight piece of 4X tippet. Take a 5wt Z Axis, and a 00 TXL. Hook that to a 10lb dumbell. Now try and lift that weight off the ground. No cheating by standing on chair. One thing will come to mind in the first second or two. "Did I send in my warranty card?" ;) This test should show, for a lack of a better term, the power differences between the 2 rods. I'm not sure a 5wt can pick up a 10lb weight, but I'm pretty sure a 00wt will blow up if you try too hard.

How a fisherman applies that power when fighting a bigger fish is the biggest variable. I can see an experienced ffer landing larger fish using an "ultralight" rod. What concerns me(just a little, I promise ;-)), is the guys who buy a 00wt to make a 6" fish feel like a 16" fish. You know the type. Get your money's worth out of small fish. :( .....and to be clear, I am not pointing a finger at anyone in this room. :) The same could be said for the guy fishing a 5wt and not knowing how to land a fish quickly. I personally think the difference is......experience level being the same, it should still be easier to land a larger fish with a 5, versus a double ought. The amount of bend you apply to a 00wt to achieve max pressure on 4X will scare even the experienced fisherman.

I really enjoy fishing my 0wt. I have landed a couple larger planters in a small creek. At no time did I feel under gunned, but the creek was small and shallow. I've landed the same size fish on my 3wt, with not much difference in landing time to the 0wt. Had it been in bigger water, I probably would prefer to have the 3wt or larger. For that reason, the 0wt doesn't get fished much each year. My creekin' time is not up to what it used to be. :cry:

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Re: Those evil rods that throw 3wt and lighter lines

Postby rkfiske » January 28th, 2010, 4:56 pm

briansII wrote: What concerns me(just a little, I promise ;-)), is the guys who buy a 00wt to make a 6" fish feel like a 16" fish. You know the type. Get your money's worth out of small fish. :( .....and to be clear, I am not pointing a finger at anyone in this room. :) briansII

:( I still feel like someone is pointing the finger at me holding my 000wt
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Re: Those evil rods that throw 3wt and lighter lines

Postby rayfound » January 28th, 2010, 5:08 pm

Brian, first off - Dude - awesome post. you make excellent points here.

Now, obviously, that straight-up pull is pretty much worst case scenario, but I think it illustrates an important point - its not just about what the max of the rod is, but also where the comfort level of the rod owner falls in how bad a position they are willing to put the rod in to apply the requisite pressure to land the fish in question.

For me, I don't think I'm willing to throw stronger than 5x on my 00wt... though that is my go-to tippet size anyway.

briansII wrote:Let's take a straight piece of 4X tippet. Take a 5wt Z Axis, and a 00 TXL. Hook that to a 10lb dumbell. Now try and lift that weight off the ground. No cheating by standing on chair. One thing will come to mind in the first second or two. "Did I send in my warranty card?" ;) This test should show, for a lack of a better term, the power differences between the 2 rods. I'm not sure a 5wt can pick up a 10lb weight, but I'm pretty sure a 00wt will blow up if you try too hard.

Agreed - how good is Sage about Warranty cards that were sent in LONG after the original purchase? I might be willing to take up a $50 collection to determine the actual breaking strength of a TXL00. (MAYBE).

Not being a guy who "Plays" fish... I can't say much about making 6" fish feel like 16" fish... I still feel like they feel like 6" fish. the 4" fish still fly through the air on hookset once in a while.
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Re: Those evil rods that throw 3wt and lighter lines

Postby beachbum » January 28th, 2010, 7:01 pm

Yea! What he said. (not even getting near this) I did fish with my 8 wt today.
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Re: Those evil rods that throw 3wt and lighter lines

Postby NorcalBob » January 28th, 2010, 7:24 pm

Why I don't even own anything under a 2 WT!!!! Here is the amount of tippet I go through each year:
7X: None
6X: ~30'
5X: ~90'
4x: ~180'
3X: ~90'
2X: ~360'
1X: ~180'
0X: ~450'
Maybe if I lived in SoCal I'd own an ultralight (and fish light tippets more!) but I don't live in SoCal!!!!! :booty: :booty: :booty: :booty:
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Re: Those evil rods that throw 3wt and lighter lines

Postby briansII » January 28th, 2010, 9:52 pm

rkfiske wrote:
briansII wrote: What concerns me(just a little, I promise ;-)), is the guys who buy a 00wt to make a 6" fish feel like a 16" fish. You know the type. Get your money's worth out of small fish. :( .....and to be clear, I am not pointing a finger at anyone in this room. :) briansII

:( I still feel like someone is pointing the finger at me holding my 000wt

:) :) If you're serious, you shouldn't. I wasn't pointing a finger at you, or anyone else for that matter. Besides, I had no idea you owned a triple ought. The statement about "you know the type", was just a general one based on things i've read over the years. Definitely not pointing fingers in this house. Seems to me, most everyone here knows about proper C&R, and what over playing a fish can lead to. It's refreshing to read reports here and not cringe at some of the pictures.

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Re: Those evil rods that throw 3wt and lighter lines

Postby Sasha » January 28th, 2010, 9:56 pm

Now I wonder if there is a way to do that experiment without using vertical pressure on the rod. The reason why I say that is that I never fight medium sized fish on lighter lined rods vertically. I don’t know if I would be willing to try it on one of my 0wt rods, but I might think about it with my TXL :o

Personally I wonder why this seems like such a taboo subject. I say this based on several peoples posts in this thread.

Oh and for the record I never got any of my light rods to make 6" fish feel big. I got one light lined rod and became addicted to them... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Those evil rods that throw 3wt and lighter lines

Postby Papasequoia » January 28th, 2010, 10:30 pm

Sasha, Could you please change the title of your thread to Those evil rods that throw 2wt and lighter lines? I really love my 3wt and I'm starting to feel persecuted. :D Just kidding. But I read that C&R post shortly after it went up, before all of the replies, and I just knew it would lead to something like this when I got to that paragraph about the size/weight of rod one should use. :doh:
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Re: Those evil rods that throw 3wt and lighter lines

Postby castaway » January 29th, 2010, 3:33 am

This has actually been mutually respectful... nice change.

Is the point of this thread to talk about ultralight rods and the different types?

Or is it to hash out the right tool for the job issue?

If it is to hash out the right tool for the job.. I think it is fair to say that in the right hands the 0 and sub-zero weights can handle a lot of fish... BUT I still stand by my claim that "generally" speaking... We should not recommend using 0wts for fish pushing 20" Not saying that it cant be done safely... but If I were working at a fly shop and someone walked in and said.. hay Im going to go rip some lips on these huge browns and I want to do it with that 0wt... I would not recomend it. Same goes for my .22 analogy. Its a general "sporting" comment.

Also... just because something can be done... doesnt mean it should be done (generally in life as well as in fishing... took me 33 years to learn this... get a few beers in me and I often forget this). thats just my opinion... but its a fair opinion.

Anyways... I got cabin fever real bad (those B@s@RDS ON The owens are having all the fun)... I need to go fish with ANY F'ing POLE!

So Im taking my 5' Hardy ultralight to the Lower Kings next Friday who wants to join?

Also.. Thanks for this Ray... Lots of good info

For those on a budget... the Dan Craft 1wt is almost identical in ERN (line wt) and AA (a little slower action I think) to the Sage 0wt ...
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Re: Those evil rods that throw 3wt and lighter lines

Postby rkfiske » January 29th, 2010, 9:28 am

briansII wrote:
rkfiske wrote:
briansII wrote: What concerns me(just a little, I promise ;-)), is the guys who buy a 00wt to make a 6" fish feel like a 16" fish. You know the type. Get your money's worth out of small fish. :( .....and to be clear, I am not pointing a finger at anyone in this room. :) briansII

:( I still feel like someone is pointing the finger at me holding my 000wt

:) :) If you're serious, you shouldn't. I wasn't pointing a finger at you, or anyone else for that matter. Besides, I had no idea you owned a triple ought. The statement about "you know the type", was just a general one based on things i've read over the years. Definitely not pointing fingers in this house. Seems to me, most everyone here knows about proper C&R, and what over playing a fish can lead to. It's refreshing to read reports here and not cringe at some of the pictures.


Fear not, I was only half kidding. Anyone who knows me knows I don't catch big fish so my 000wt is pretty harmless. I actually had no intention of getting a 00 or 000 but the tide was right and I just had to pull the trigger. You bring up very valid arguments and I know for the most part many here agree with you.
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Re: Those evil rods that throw 3wt and lighter lines

Postby Papasequoia » January 29th, 2010, 10:13 am

castaway wrote:Anyways... I got cabin fever real bad (those B@s@RDS ON The owens are having all the fun)... I need to go fish with ANY F'ing POLE!

I have the day off today (and tomorrow) and for a while last night I was really thinking about driving up and joining them. So, I looked at the weather; 32 degrees at 9PM, 30% chance of snow or rain on Sat. Like most everyone else, I enjoy sitting around a fire with a bunch of fishing buddies drinking beer and trading BS. But it's a lot more fun in the summer (at my age, anyways!) I started thinking about my trip up there last month: ice in the guides until almost noon, cold fingers and toes, still got a little pinhole leak in the waders I have to find and fix. So, it's two and half hours up and two and a half back (after drinking limited beers around the fire), or setting up the tent in the snow and cold (even if it is only a couple of inches), or paying for a motel by myself since I didn't make plans earlier for sharing. Throw in the fact that while sitting around a fire with 18 friends may be fun, spreading out and fishing on a river with that many isn't (for me). Maybe I'm losing my addiction and will have to hang my head in shame and become a lurker, but, I think I'll just sit here and tie up some flies for the July 4th GST opener instead. :cry:
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Re: Those evil rods that throw 3wt and lighter lines

Postby Sasha » January 30th, 2010, 10:48 am

I'll just start adding this to my larger fish reports. Because I do agree that noobs should gain some skills before attempting to land larger size trout on these rods.


To any new fly fishers reading my light rod reports. Please make sure you know your skill level in fighting and landing fish. Also make sure you know the limitations of the equipment that you are using. The reason I say this is that I don't want people to go out and try to fish for larger fish with lighter rods unless they know what they are doing as an over-played fish will not fare well once released.
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Re: Those evil rods that throw 3wt and lighter lines

Postby castaway » January 30th, 2010, 4:33 pm

Sounds good..

But, Just cuz something can be done... are you sure it should be done?

What is the point of using a 0wt on 20' fish? Is it to have better feel when fishing you can feel every little bump? In the hands of a highly skilled angler high quality 4/5wts will achieve good enough sensitivity for 20' fish, or should I say a 4/5wt in a skilled anglers hands can do anything a 0wt can do when targeting big fish (especially if your using an indicator...cuz that is what is actually sensing the strike).

Or is the point to show off your skill level and pound your chest? Pretty sure everyone here would say its option #1 (sensitive stick)... which is fine... but its also not necessary, nor is it in the best interest (on a macro level) of the sport we love.

Its funny... when you give a survey to college students... ask them the question: Are you a above avg. driver? 95-99% of them will say they are much better then avg... This goes for almost anything in life...

So basicly even your disclaimer fails to achieve the goal you intended.

So if the disclaimer does not achieve the goal of preventing unskilled anglers from using a 0wt on big fish, what other options are there?

I can only think of twp...

dont use a 0wt on large fish - show by example... (what I and others would recommend)

Or why bother talking about using a 0wt? I mean... you could give someone the wrong idea.. your either chest pounding or promoting all people use a zero wt... which, as you have said... your doing neither.
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Re: Those evil rods that throw 3wt and lighter lines

Postby fly_baby » January 30th, 2010, 6:04 pm

I never thought of playing big fish on lighter rods. I've used my lighter rods to catch small stream or creek wild trout. I thought that was the idea behind the lighter rods.
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Re: Those evil rods that throw 3wt and lighter lines

Postby Benny » January 30th, 2010, 6:36 pm

fly_baby wrote:I never thought of playing big fish on lighter rods. I've used my lighter rods to catch small stream or creek wild trout. I thought that was the idea behind the lighter rods.

That's usually the way it's suppose to be ;)
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