So, as it turns out, may 4th-12th I will be heading to my homeland to visit family. Most of the family lives on or near an area called the "Bruce Peninsula". If you are familiar with the geography of the Great Lakes, it is essentially the peninsula that divides Lake Huron from Georgian Bay.
In fact, we plan on staying several days at the cottage of some family, which is situated right on Lake Huron, in a small bay. (see map:,+ontario,+canada&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Red+Bay,+South+Bruce+Peninsula,+Bruce+County,+Ontario,+Canada&gl=us&ei=Jgi6S6aZFJ7WtAPDwqHpDA&ved=0CAgQ8gEwAA&ll=44.818346,-81.298141&spn=0.018387,0.054674&t=h&z=15) The Bay has a long shallow sloping beach/flats area, and then drops off quickly to 6-10 feet deep. Some parts are sandy, others are rocky.
I know that the lakes contain Bass (Largemouth/Smallmouth), Perch, Walleye, Pike, Trout (Brook, Brown, Lake, and Rainbow), Carp, Panfish, Pacific Salmon, and pretty much everything else under the sun.
I will not be there the right time to catch a Salmon or "Steelhead" run out of the lake, though some brookie/brown fishing in streams is possible... I feel pretty good about my chances of success at that if I get the chance.
But I am really itching to try my hand on the nearshore fish of the lake. What I will find around the bays, points, coves, etc...
If anyone has any experience in the area, I am all ears, but for starters, I am expecting to see the basses/panfish and possibly perch to be my main quarry.
I was planning on carrying my 00wt, my 3wt, and my 8wt (I have only an intermediate sinking line at this point for it).
Any particular flies I should plan on carrying, techniques for fishing this kind of water, etc...?