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Help Us Get the Facts Out about Steelhead Restoration
On April 25th many news outlets across the country and as far away as the UK ran an Associated Press story about fish passage and fish ladders in Southern California. While we usually welcome attention to this issue, this story was rife with inaccuracies and distortions and failed to acknowledge the positive benefits of such projects. Now we need your help to get the facts out!
Please click here to send letters to the editors in the news outlets in you region. We make it easy. Plug in your zip code at the bottom of the page, scroll down then select whatever local news organizations you wish to contact. You can send the email as written; edit it with your own words or with our bullet points; or write your own email.
CalTrout in partnership with the Environmental Defense Center, Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains, Matilija Coalition, Trout Unlimited and the Southwest Council Federation of Flyfishers released a point-for-point rebuttal to many of the news outlets that ran the story. But we could still use your help ensuring a proper telling of this fish passage success story.
If you have any further questions please contact our Southern California Regional Manager, Nica Knite, at (619)269-9207 or