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Furled Leaders

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Furled Leaders

Postby rayfound » October 10th, 2008, 7:22 am

I'd been recommended a long time ago by a few of you to give furled leaders a try, and I'm starting to run low on tapered leaders, so I figured now was the time.

Do you guys have a recommended leader on ebay? (I have an ebay gift card to use up) I use a 3-wt.


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Re: Furled Leaders

Postby RSetina » October 10th, 2008, 7:33 am

Look here if you feel adventurous. I'm sure they are cheap too.

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Re: Furled Leaders

Postby Sheriff Joe » October 10th, 2008, 8:41 am

My one experience thus far with a furled leader was in the parking lot of Hot Creek a year or two ago. Dr hands me one and says "Give his a try. It'll be perfect for today." He tells me to smooth it out and unkink it after I tie it on. I proceed to unkink, and totally rip the entire leader apart. Doh! Apparently, I didn't know my inhuman strength!

The good Dr (bless his generous heart) has since given me a couple more furled leaders, and I'm dying to try them out. I'll give a full report when I do!

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Re: Furled Leaders

Postby Flyjunkie » October 10th, 2008, 9:05 am

Sheriff Joe wrote:My one experience thus far with a furled leader was in the parking lot of Hot Creek a year or two ago. Dr hands me one and says "Give his a try. It'll be perfect for today." He tells me to smooth it out and unkink it after I tie it on. I proceed to unkink, and totally rip the entire leader apart. Doh! Apparently, I didn't know my inhuman strength!

The good Dr (bless his generous heart) has since given me a couple more furled leaders, and I'm dying to try them out. I'll give a full report when I do!



If I give you a Yellow pages... will you rip it in half with your Super Inhuman strength????? :D ;)
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Re: Furled Leaders

Postby RiverRat » October 10th, 2008, 9:42 am

I've used the Jim Cramer tied uni thread ones. They last forever if you don't wrap around a branch as mention before. Bought ten of them eight years ago 6 bucks a shot and still and have one new one left. Pretty good return on that investment.

Please let us now what you get and give us a report on how you like them!

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Re: Furled Leaders

Postby castaway » October 10th, 2008, 10:21 am

I use them - makes everything easier.

However, I was out carping the other day and Randy mentioned to me that the carp seemed to move away from the fly - He thought the furled leader might be alarming.

I like them because they cast easy - easy to untangle and easy to adjust depth with an indicator

just slide the indicator up or down on the furled leader with the tipit under water. I might be running longer tippit when fishign deep..

But when nymphing deep I usually tapper my tippit down... run a long piece of 3x and then 5x attached with a surg. knot ...

Also, I used a regular leader the other day tossing drys and kinda liked how soft the fly would float down to the water, but it was hard for me to get them to roll over...
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Re: Furled Leaders

Postby flybob » October 10th, 2008, 1:02 pm

Hey Ray, found these guys, cheaper than ebay, free shipping too!

may not be what you are looking for, but they work for me!

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Re: Furled Leaders

Postby Danny McB » October 10th, 2008, 1:23 pm

flybob wrote:Hey Ray, found these guys, cheaper than ebay, free shipping too!

may not be what you are looking for, but they work for me!


What are your guys thoughts on the colored leaders on that page?... or better yet what color would you order (clear being a color of course)?
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Re: Furled Leaders

Postby flybob » October 10th, 2008, 1:51 pm

Danny McB wrote:
flybob wrote:Hey Ray, found these guys, cheaper than ebay, free shipping too!

may not be what you are looking for, but they work for me!


What are your guys thoughts on the colored leaders on that page?... or better yet what color would you order (clear being a color of course)?

Hey Danny, I ordered the ones made with olive uni thread, they disappear really nice on the water!

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Re: Furled Leaders

Postby Danny McB » October 10th, 2008, 2:31 pm

Thanks Bob. You could really get carried away with all of those colors. Im gonna order one up and give it a try again. I tried them earlier this year and on the first cast hit the bushes and shreded it without it ever seeing the water so I kinda had a bad taste in my mouth.
Thanks again

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Re: Furled Leaders

Postby briansII » October 10th, 2008, 4:54 pm

.........and for you really lazy, all thumbs, cheap fishers like me. Twisted leaders.....

Out of curiosity, i've made these, but have never fished with them. VERY simple to make, but I cannot tell you they are any better or worse than furled leaders. I have never tried either..

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Re: Furled Leaders

Postby rayfound » October 10th, 2008, 5:14 pm

DrCreek wrote:Ray,

About three years ago I met a super-nice guy on eBay that now "special makes" monofilament furled leaders for my 0wts. He puts them together however I want (my formula). They are about 5.5' long, and turn the thinner tippets over nicely. I prefer the monofilament furled leaders for my 0wts, but I really like the Uni-Thread leaders for my 2wts. I will get you his email address. His prices are excellent and his workmanship is second to none. Actually, I'll look on eBay to see if he has some items currently listed. I'll send you the link if he does.

PS... the uni-thread leaders are more succeptible to damage and breakage. I can throw a monofilament furled leader into one of those wild rose bushes (you know, the small streamside bush with the fifty-million microscopice thorns on each branch), and it will come out in good shape. But if I throw a uni-thread leader into that same bush, it will be ruined for good.

Here is a link to his product... His name is Carl. Really nice guy. Tell him I referred you (Mike Brown in San Diego). He will either take great care of you or you'll just never hear from him again. ;) Just kidding. He will set you up straight. Let him know what you want. ... 911.c0.m14

Here is another link to an eBay seller (John) that makes excellent Uni-Thread furled leaders for my 2wts. Very nice guy as well. Always does classy work. You'll really enjoy these - as long as you can keep them out of the bushes. ... 286.c0.m14

Ordered the Mono one for $5... how can you go wrong. Where/how I fish, and with my normal (low) skills, I'll be ending up in bushes and thorns (Usually wild Blackberries).

The only thing I am now concerned/curious about (somewhat) is that the leader is made of 2lb mono - so in theory - if its looped at the end, that should give me about 4lb strength, so I should be fishing 6x or 7x on it to make sure the tippet is the weakest link?

I guess, A simpler way of asking: the way a furled leader is constructed, what is the break strength if it is made of 2lb line?

briansII wrote:.........and for you really lazy, all thumbs, cheap fishers like me. Twisted leaders.....

Out of curiosity, i've made these, but have never fished with them. VERY simple to make, but I cannot tell you they are any better or worse than furled leaders. I have never tried either..


Wow - I may have to try that someday. I presume it can be scaled down to smaller lines?
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Re: Furled Leaders

Postby mtnguru » October 10th, 2008, 8:56 pm

Mike(DrCreek) and I discussed this on our excursion last week, I am sold. Just bought some for the heck of it, I'm always down for something new.
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