REALTIME FLOWS    U. Kern: n/a cfs    L. Kern: 1341 cfs    E.W: 312 cfs    U. Owens: 108 cfs    L. Owens: 496 cfs   09/02/19 1:15 PM PST

My Girl

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My Girl

Postby tycaster » October 16th, 2008, 11:12 am

Just in case any of you wonder about my avatar, that's my little girl throwing an armbar on her opponent at a submission grappling tournament. She's an equal opportunity butt-kicker, too. She makes little boys cry all the time. Mostly out of wounded pride at being tapped out by a cute, little pig-tailed blond girl. I know, a little off topic, but I used that picture, so I had to gloat. :D

I got her a little 2 wt. a while back, now I just have to teach how to use it. I'm waiting for levels to come up on the local creeks because I know of a couple spots that would be perfect. It's just not the same on the front lawn. I've taken her with me a couple times, and when she ran her finger along a trout's side(wet finger), she simply said, "Coooool." I can't wait for her to get her own.

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Re: My Girl

Postby Benny » October 16th, 2008, 11:35 am

That's just to cool...I could just picture it. Daddy that little girl made me tap outImage
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Re: My Girl

Postby flybob » October 16th, 2008, 1:25 pm

Hey Ty, give her a few more years, and she will be "armbar-ing" you for a new car! :lol:

Really, that is cool!

I have a 13 year old niece who is a brown belt in Tai Kwan Do(sp)!
She can put her foot on top of my head in a spit second! :shock:

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Re: My Girl

Postby stanbery » October 17th, 2008, 1:10 am

Very cool Avatar.

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Re: My Girl

Postby Eric » October 17th, 2008, 6:37 am

Do you guys think we have a proud Dad here. Way cool pic.
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Re: My Girl

Postby Sasha » October 17th, 2008, 6:41 am

Sweet avatar :!:

So you got her a 2wt she should have a blast with that.
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Re: My Girl

Postby fflutterffly » October 24th, 2008, 4:23 am

I love all you proud dads.
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Re: My Girl

Postby Wildman » October 24th, 2008, 7:33 am

How true.

My "kids" are 35 and 32 and still evoke those wonderful feelings when are schedules allow us to get together. Savor each moment and make the time to spend the time with them.
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