With the issues and concerns of felt soled wading boots spreading NZ Mud snails, Whirling Disease, and other exotics that harm trout populations, and the fact that my old Sims studded felts were wearing out after about 15yrs of hard use (not to mention hurting my feet) I took the plunge and bought a new pair of boots that have multiple options for soles. In addition to felts and studded felts, I decided to give the sticky rubber soles a shot since I was getting new boots anyway.
So the last time I was out on the Merced a few weeks back, I tried the studded stealth rubber soles on my new boots, and I have to say....I hated them . I never felt sure-footed, never felt like I was on even/level footing, always felt like I was about to lose it, and had difficultly wading the simplest of lies trying to get close enough to nymph a particular piece of water.
I have fallen only once with felt soled and studded felt in 30+ years of stream fishing, and I fell 3x in the span of a couple hours, including a ridiculously silly fall that absolutely drenched me and half filled my waders. The Merced is not known as a particularly difficult stream to wade (NOTHING compared to the PIT, that's for sure!!!) After getting bruised and battered for the first few hours I switched the soles out to studded felts (just to be sure it wasn't ME...) & I was back to wading just fine - no slipping, consistent solid footing when and where I needed it for the rest of the day.
So I'm curious, with the push to ban felts, how have the rest of you that have tried them fared with these so called "sticky rubber" wading boots ?? Have you noticed a difference among brands of wading boots and the effectiveness of their rubber sole options ? How about studded rubber vs un-studded ? Any advice, suggestions, or insight is greatly appreciated. Would you say your felts grip better and the rubber is a compromise with respect to the fish and the river environment?
Bob V
EDIT - apologies for missing the posts a few down on Didymo which is similar....still would like to hear your opinions, preferences etc...