Getting ready for fishing While sitting on your tail gate. To jumping up and slam it shut. and to watch the top half of your poll fly off into the woods.
Standing in the middle of the river to hear something behind you. And as you turn around to have a rafters slam into you. And then have them say ( Well I guess you should have moved)
Fishing up river from a guide and his clients. Now this was a 100 yards away.And have him come up to you and ask if you'd move some where else. And you ask him why? He says your catching to many fish. Your making me look bad.
Some of these post I got a good laugh from.
But I think this one here is the worst one. All the trash. That one just makes me feel bad.
when I started this post I was hoping it wouldn't turn into a rant. But I think these things makes us all feel about the same.
The wind is a good one. Having it blow so hard you can't even set you line on the water.
My wife came in with one. Going to the fly shop on the green. And pay 10 dollars for their 3oz. bottles of mayonnaise & ketchup.