by Rockstar Fisherman » November 4th, 2008, 1:58 am
I as many other come across many trout that appear to be hybridized. So instead of googleing hybrid trout I thought I'd simply ask what all kinds of hybrids there are. I know for sure I've come across Golden/bows, and Cutt/bows, but what other trout species hybridize in NATURE. Tiger trout (Brown/Brook) do not, so they don't count. Any and all info would be interesting to read about. Do Browns hybridize with anyone, do brooks? Of course rainbows, goldens and cutthroats do but what about the others? And why? I know the "why" might be asking a lot but this is all out of curiosity.
"Live life before you die"
States fished: AZ, CA, NV, OR, WY, MT, IN, WI, ID, UT
Foreign Countries fished: CZ, NZ, SL, PL, CI