REALTIME FLOWS    U. Kern: n/a cfs    L. Kern: 1341 cfs    E.W: 312 cfs    U. Owens: 108 cfs    L. Owens: 496 cfs   09/02/19 1:15 PM PST



Postby Benny » November 4th, 2008, 1:41 pm

Here is a link to a pack mule station that will help cut out that middle man who tends to over charge good hard working people. You can hire them to get you up to the Kern Lakes, Funston Meadows and other hard to get to places ;)

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Postby rayfound » November 4th, 2008, 1:57 pm

I've always wanted to try one of these type of trips - the drop-off style. Seems like loads of fun, though I'm also a big fan of doing it on foot (also happens to be cheaper).

Pack train method though seems like it would give you more time on the water, and of course there are many who are no longer physically able to enjoy the high sierra on foot , this is perfect.
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Postby fshflys » December 15th, 2008, 9:48 am

I've used packers many times, great way to access backcountry. Cheapest way is spot pack, where you have the packer take your gear up & drop it off at a predetermined location & you hike up, then after your stay, you hike with your pack back down without all the food you ate and after being acclimated to the altitude. Best value would be 4 people to split the price of the packer, $165 & 2 pack animals (1 pack animal per 2 persons gear). It helps if you are familiar with the area. We would drop gear off & take off hiking, the packer takes about 1 hr to load gear, a 5 hr hike takes the packer 4 hr so you arrive at just about the same time
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