Wildman wrote:Shane-
I talked with Keith and he honestly wasn't quite sure how to take your request....especially with your screen name. Expect to hear from him shortly. He's one guy I believe, that knows more about dubbing and feathers then anyone I know of. I have been able to test the dubbing line he is coming out with and it is amazing stuff. Hopefully, he can give you some useful information. How the heck did you come up with the subject of your research? Like NorcalBob, I would be interested in reading your conclusions.
If it is that big of a deal, tell him never mind. I don't know want to put this guy out of comfort zone or whatever. It's a very simple question, and was just asking him to point me in the right direction.
The assignment was to pick an aspect of your lifestyle and do an Environmental Impact Report on it. Basically, assess what adverse impacts are associated with your "project" and propose ways to mitigate them. Other people are doing things like playing hockey, driving to Starbucks, or getting tattooed. It is strictly a "for fun" project meant to give us a feel for what is involved in producing these massive EIR documents.
I am focusing on just the biggest and most obvious environmental impacts. I included a section on transportation, harm to fish, harm to habitat/ecosystem (bugs, plants and other wildlife), material composition of flies, equipment used (not so much resource extraction, but origins), and litter.