I am one of the person's/possible redneck that Anacrime is referring to as one of the offendes of the PM's he received and I believe his comment was "The red neck is a complicated breed. Try drinking 32 bud lights. Should bring you down to their level ". Yes I was slightly * probably because I do feel a slight bit Redneckish and I do occasionally drink Budlight Mind you this redneck does not leave trash behind but picks up after others....must come from cleaning up after my kids
I did explain to Shane that in my opinion about 75% of those that camp on the Kern are Hispanic..especially those who don't stay in campgrounds and camp along the river where I find most of the trash. My observations come from spending many years at the River since I live in Bakersfield. Shane like I explained to you in no way shape or form was I trying to offend you or any others for that matter. The trash along the river is brutally annoying and as a father of 2 young boys that are aged 2 and 5 I am trying my best to educate my children what it means to truly love, respect and take care of the outdoors for future generations to come. I do feel very strongly about taking care of our precious fisheries and the conservation of our outdoors. Education of our younger generation's is something I am very dedicated to. As far as singleing out one race or another I will apologize in advance if I ever offend anybody. We are all guilty of leaving a bigger footprint than we should just like Shane said.
I was hoping my first post would have been of an epic day on River with pics of both myself and my boys hoisting the mighty rainbow with smiles on our faces but I could not resist. It is with this that I introduce myself....Hi my name is KC Aldridge and I am addicted to my family/flyfishing/backpacking/spending time outdoors with my kids/camping in general and trying to get along with everybody
It is a pleasure to meet everybody on this board and I do hope to share some water with all of you one day. We all seem to have a common goal in mind....taking care of what brings us happiness and I believe that a strong family bond and flyfishing can take you farther in life than any amount of money!!!! Enough of my rant I need to go pack my backpack for a weekend run to the JD Bridge.....anybody wanna go?!!