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Exploring New Waters

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Exploring New Waters

Postby FlyinFish » October 27th, 2011, 9:58 am

California is a unique place, to say the least. I've grown up here and spent the majority of my life living here from the SF Valley, to central LA, to the westside. To say this was a difficult decision to make would be a gross understatement...

SoCal has always held a dear place in my heart. Say what you will about LA and CA, but this is one of the greatest cities in the world. It has it's fair share of problems, and there are many things about this town I will just never understand, but there are many things that I love. You can find anything and anyone you want in this town, as long as you go looking for it. But it comes at a price. The weather, the spotlight, and a plethora of jobs draws people to LA in hoards, and with this comes traffic jams, inflated property values, and all sorts of other "big city" problems.

But I'd be lying if I said it wasn't all worth it, for me at least. I've experienced things, learned things, and met people that I will never forget. These have become a part of who I am, and I wouldn't trade them for anything. And I must say my FFA friends have been a big part of what I love so much about being here. Coming together with people who I would never, ever have even crossed paths with otherwise to engage in a shared passion has been a phenomenal experience. It's always more fun to be out with a friend, and no catch can be greater than when it's shared with a buddy.

And so it is with great sadness, yet great excitement that I will be moving to Seattle by the end of the year! It was quite simply the most difficult decision in my life and in my wife and my's relationship so far.

Since returning to LA three years ago we've struggled to establish the lives we want. With lots of other factors from work to rent prices coming together in a perfect storm, a move back to Seattle and my old job has been in the back of my mind for quite some time. When the job posting showed up online, it seemed like a sign, and I knew I had to take advantage of it.

I'm sad to leave, and I don't know what I'll do without my flyfishing buddies and the local waters and the Sierras. But I'm excited to journey into new waters and experience the breathtaking landscapes that the PNW has to offer. I'm always looking for the next adventure, and though I still have many places left to explore in CA, I'll have to put that list on hold (or just work on my Alaska Airlines miles).

I can't tell you guys how much fun I've had fishing with this group of anglers and how many things I've done that I never would have alone. To even try to list the unforgettable memories rushing through my mind right now would be an injustice to their magnitude. From the surf, to the locals, to the Sierras, to the backcountry, you know who you are, and I'm thankful for having shared time on the water with you. I hope to visit frequently, and will aim to make outings and trips if possible. These will always be my home waters.

As they say, a ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for. So thank you all for everything over the past several years. I ask only one thing in return - the next time you're standing by the shore peering into your fly box wondering what to tie on next, pick out a nice bushy dry fly and give it a shot, for me, and remember - THE ONLY WAY TO GET BIT ON THE DRY, IS TO THROW THE DRY!!
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Re: Exploring New Waters

Postby lucfish » October 27th, 2011, 10:26 am

Just don't forget to keep posting from Washington. I'm sure it's the right move for you and your family. Good luck in your new home.
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Re: Exploring New Waters

Postby beachbum » October 27th, 2011, 10:36 am

Arvin, I read your post with mixed emotions. Fishing with you over the last few years has been a pleasure, and it's sad to hear that it will end. On a positive note, having spent a lot of time up there, I know that there are a LOT of good waters to fish, and you will enjoy it a lot. Best of luck to you and the Mrs in your new location! As Luc said, keep posting!


ps...get good raingear :funnyup:
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Re: Exploring New Waters

Postby Wildman » October 27th, 2011, 10:45 am

Leaving this "harbor" for another port opens many new opportunities for you. My Mom lives in Lacey, WA and I am amazed at the incredible myriad of fishing opportunities that await you. Looking forward to hearing about your successes up there.
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Re: Exploring New Waters

Postby Packer » October 27th, 2011, 11:15 am

You hit the nail on the head about LA. We have never met, wish we had. Don't look at it as leaving FFA, & California. Try to see it as new opportunities besides your career. Like the abundence of outdoors in all directions. Any day off you could do a one day tirp and have an epic day. Look for your PB's records to be shattered. Where you going to do that in LA?
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Re: Exploring New Waters

Postby mpeterson8 » October 27th, 2011, 12:26 pm

Just remember that you can always book Angie "The Fishing Goddess" as a guide in the Seattle area.
Seriously, New waters breeds a new fisherman.
Good Luck!
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Re: Exploring New Waters

Postby trans_admin » October 27th, 2011, 1:01 pm

FFA is invading Washington is how I see it :rockon: I have a whole list of places to explore, and you better live up to it :D I never got up to North Cascades National Park when I lived up there. If you could start there next summer, I'm sure we'll all be drooling over the pictures. What city will you be moving to?
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Re: Exploring New Waters

Postby WanderingBlues » October 27th, 2011, 3:48 pm

Such kind and decent words. Safe travels to you and yours and I look forward to reading all about the waters up there.
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Re: Exploring New Waters

Postby rkfiske » October 27th, 2011, 4:32 pm

Arvin, this makes me regret turning down your offer to hit up the east side this weekend even more. I'm really hoping we get another chance to fish together before you head up there. Also, make sure you have arrangements to let a couple guys crash at your place when we come up to visit. Or heck, make sure you have room for a Volcano sized party!! :)

You're one of the guys that I've fished with quite a bit and it is sad to hear that I'm losing a fishing buddy. Definitely keep posting, if I had to make a guess your new waters in the PNW will cause severe envy and salivation by many of the members here.

Oh also, my girlfriend and I have considered a trip to Seattle many times so if and when that time comes I'll be sure to let you know so we can visit you guys.
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Re: Exploring New Waters

Postby 1mocast » October 27th, 2011, 7:02 pm

I will definitely miss you around here...I will miss the times we have spend fishing. It was always great to have you stop by Bob and my cube talking about fishing.

You will now give me an excuse to visit those fish ladders up there...Just keep your raincoat on!
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Re: Exploring New Waters

Postby FFFF » October 27th, 2011, 7:15 pm

Best of luck to you in your new adventure. Those sea run Cutties they have up there put up a daggone good fight!!!!
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Re: Exploring New Waters

Postby dray » October 27th, 2011, 7:18 pm

We never had a chance to meet or fish together, but we all seem to share in this passion of fly fishing together, and you're right, there is nothing like sharing the water with a buddy or maybe even a stranger that feels the same way we all do. It's a big move, but it sounds like you made a sound decision, so stick with it and don't second guess yourself. Good luck to you and your family on your new adventure. I'm a few years away, but my wife and I are thinking of a change out state ourselves.
I'm excited for you! Have fun, Darrin
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Re: Exploring New Waters

Postby borntoflyfish » October 27th, 2011, 8:07 pm

Good luck Flyinfish. I hope we still see you around here. I'd like to here about some of the new waters you find up there. 8-)
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Re: Exploring New Waters

Postby fflutterffly » October 27th, 2011, 8:33 pm

As they say in my family " You can get a divorce, but you can never get out." So as it goes with my relatives, you may travel far and wide, but you are always a part of FFA, and we like it that way. And besides, now we have someone to visit and a place to sleep. How's that for inviting ourselves into your living room! Best to you both and may you have tight lines and stories of hooks straightening out.
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Re: Exploring New Waters

Postby tomsakai » October 28th, 2011, 4:05 pm

Arvin best of luck on your move. Now who am I going to get to fish behind me and pickup my flyboxes???
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