by flybob » November 6th, 2011, 1:41 pm
Hey Josh, Sorry to hear of your loss.
You are only 29, there is much life to live, and I would be lying to you if I told you it only gets easier, it doesn't.
Our easiest times are pre-adulthood, plain and simple!
The name of the game is to endure the tough times, and learn from them, appreciate what you have earned, and enjoy the good times to the fullest, live your life so that you never have to look over your shoulder, and the most important of all, always tell the truth, for it is the only thing you will have to remember!
You have become a member of a unique group of people on this board, enjoy the camaraderie!
They have helped carry me through a couple of tough times!
Luc is right, fishing season is Never Over in S.CAL!
"The accomplishment of flyfishing is all about the experience of diversity......and the occasional element of surprise."