by Rockstar Fisherman » November 24th, 2008, 8:12 pm
I'm pro native species, but DFG has to have the regulations and enforcement to make it happen to begin with which no matter what anyone says they don't. It's obvious, and fewer hatcheries means less $$ California has to budget to them.
See you all out on Hot Creek, East Walker, Kings/Kern and other specially regulated places that will deteriorate from too much pressure and human activity. Oh and one more thing, keep your secrets places to yourselves and those that you know and trust, which sux for people new to fishing and learning.
Its sad that this will probably happen unless by a miracle DFG does role out new regulations on a lot of waters, and can somewhat enforce them. Then again you also take away lots of fishing areas from a lot of people, like bait and spin fisherman. I grew up doing that till I was 18 when I became a full time fly fisherman. Maybe this is the wrong place to say this but reality is they (spin/bait fisherman) have just as much right to be out there fishing as we do and keep some fish to eat as well.
This is my initial opinion, we'll see what actually happens, and I need to finish reading the rest of the posted articles.
"Live life before you die"
States fished: AZ, CA, NV, OR, WY, MT, IN, WI, ID, UT
Foreign Countries fished: CZ, NZ, SL, PL, CI