REALTIME FLOWS    U. Kern: n/a cfs    L. Kern: 1341 cfs    E.W: 312 cfs    U. Owens: 108 cfs    L. Owens: 496 cfs   09/02/19 1:15 PM PST

Setting the record strait..Why I am on the East Side!

For topics that don't seem to have a home elsewhere.

Setting the record strait..Why I am on the East Side!

Postby STMFlyGuide » August 12th, 2008, 8:42 am

Ok, I have been hearing all kinds of reasons and excuses by friends, family, and my previous employer(some of them pretty outrageous) for my decision to leave my guide position at the Kern River Troutfitter. Sure my previous employer and I had our differences and I am not the first employee to move on from his employer, but I set the record straight as to the main reason why I left when I did my farewell post on the Kern Forum. However, it was deleted leaving it wide open for people to say whatever they wanted. I really wish it was not the case so I would not have to write this. Unless I am missing something it was posted on June 9th under "Kern River Fishing Reports", then quickly whisked away to "Events" where it was then deleted....if you can find it please let me know my error as many of you gave me a great farewell.
Since it was deleted, let me reiterate what was said in a little more depth and set the record straight. Like my farewell post said "Trout Bums Move On" is exactly it. Those of you who know me well know my passion for fishing. Guiding on the Kern just was not satisfying for me anymore, catching the same 12-14" stocker every day on the same river got old quick. Waiting to catch a "trophy" fish meant waiting for the hatchery to dump them in. Don't get me wrong the Kern is a great river and could be recommened to any fisherman to fish. My point is not to slam the Kern. The wild trout section is a beautiful place, but how many times can a trout connoisseur walk that trail to catch mostly what are considered smaller fish. At one time we did get some hogs out of there but they were stockers that had run up due to very warm water down below. Even then the poachers were up there illegally. On the Kern the bait fisherman rule, I know that has changed slightly for the better. Ask anybody that has spent any time on the Kern and they will tell you of the garbage and trout killing they have witnessed at one time or another.

Then I was introduced to the East Walker river! My first trip I caught a 24" wild brown trout and watched him eat my five inch streamer. That fish was not the only one hooked. I was too. Next was Hot Creek, at 12,000 wild trout per mile I was in a trouter's paradise landing twenty plus fish my first time on with half of them being browns! (it's a little more difficult now) Next, was the Upper Owens which cuts through one of the most beautiful high elevation meadows I have seen. The east side divides the bait fishing water from the fly fisherman, allowing one to fish fly fishing only water in nearly all locations. The east side just has that much water. I began making weekly trips fishing the east side with my sons and wife. They loved it as well. I began making arrangements to fish over here more, it is a trouters paradise with the amout of flowing waters to fish being endless.

So thats it, as a 14 year veteran guide I found something much more satisfying with many more opportunities than I had on the Kern. That is the bottom line and that is it, period. If I had wanted to stay on the Kern, I would of made a way, like I made a way for myself over here.
Since my farewell post I have also been pretty much banned from the forum. (They reset my password so I could not log on to check my PM's...I hate to say this but it is the truth, check to see when the last time I logged on there was.) Maybe my leaving made it look bad for them. I do not know the reasoning why I was banned and not allowed to post. Thankyou for reading.

My sons and I on Hot Creek...springtime




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Re: Setting the record strait..Why I am on the East Side!

Postby RubiKinda » August 12th, 2008, 9:49 am

I can't believe you actually had to explain why you changed sides! I'm just glad to see you doing wha is best for YOU and your family and now have someone to scout the bird hunting on that side for me! Season is getting close David....have you found the birds yet? Awesome pics of the kid.

Re: Setting the record strait..Why I am on the East Side!

Postby Benny » August 12th, 2008, 11:28 am

It's quite remarkable how rumurs spread. I recall the thread you mentioned. Yes it was taken down for whatever reason, I have no clue. I find that there is quite a bit of editing or should I say CENSORSHIP, because that's what it boils down to. If the administration does not agree with your comment or post then it magically vanishes with out a trace. It's very sad to see that happen with a post/thread that had nothing that violated the forum rulesImage

On another note, the photos of you with your boys are great.
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Re: Setting the record strait..Why I am on the East Side!

Postby DubL HauL » August 12th, 2008, 12:23 pm

David can you talk to your family about maybe adopting me, I would like to be one of your sons looks like you know how to put them boys into the feesh.

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Re: Setting the record strait..Why I am on the East Side!

Postby Benny » August 12th, 2008, 12:31 pm

DubL HauL wrote:David can you talk to your family about maybe adopting me, I would like to be one of your sons looks like you know how to put them boys into the feesh.


That same thought crossed my mind...Image
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Re: Setting the record strait..Why I am on the East Side!

Postby Rollincast » August 12th, 2008, 12:42 pm

Hey David,
Glad your where you need to be at this point in your life. Cool that your still close. Just waiting for the call that you have found a Carp hotspot. :D :D :D :D
CLASSIC shots of the boys, very nice.

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Re: Setting the record strait..Why I am on the East Side!

Postby bc6854 » August 12th, 2008, 4:57 pm

David, I'm too old to be your adopted son but adopted Grandfather doesn't sound to bad does it? Great to hear that you and family are in a place that makes you happy!!!!! Bob
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Re: Setting the record strait..Why I am on the East Side!

Postby Papasequoia » August 12th, 2008, 4:59 pm

I heard from someone that this was copied and posted on the KRF, but by the time I got home about an hour ago and looked it had already been deleted. It was good to see you last week and get the boys out with you for a day. Now maybe they won't pick up my bad habits. Report to come soon. Bummer about this whole situation, but it looks like a happy ending, for you at least :lol: .
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Re: Setting the record strait..Why I am on the East Side!

Postby fflutterffly » August 12th, 2008, 8:31 pm

You know how I feel. I've said it to you. Now your happy and that's all that matters. I love both the Kern and the "East" and now I have more reasons to visit it. Change is wonderful, especially when there is so much water to explore and share with your family.
I wish you all the best of success, heath and happiness.
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Re: Setting the record strait..Why I am on the East Side!

Postby dna » August 12th, 2008, 10:49 pm

no love for the otha side :lol: :lol:

i have always wondered why people would want to get guided to stockers. unless you are a beginner of course and that is what that board is now mainly for.

Cheers! You made a superb decision: it's all about the wilds!!!
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Re: Setting the record strait..Why I am on the East Side!

Postby mk4 » August 12th, 2008, 11:04 pm

So I guess that means you weren't the one tangled in an ugly love triangle with a few Wofford Heights meth hoes.
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Re: Setting the record strait..Why I am on the East Side!

Postby ColoradoXJ » August 13th, 2008, 8:26 am


You are a stand-up guy. To anyone who fly fishes, it's pretty easy to understand why someone would want to move to the east side with all that great water! Sometimes rivers (and towns) can get stagnent and boring. I think the biggest loss for you is the carping in Lake Isabella! Good luck to you and your family. I'm sure I'll be out soon to fish with you and wildfly.... :mrgreen:
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Re: Setting the record strait..Why I am on the East Side!

Postby RubiKinda » August 13th, 2008, 9:49 am

Yeah, forget about me Aaron...It's cool. :(

Re: Setting the record strait..Why I am on the East Side!

Postby ColoradoXJ » August 13th, 2008, 5:59 pm

:roll: :roll: :roll:

How could I forget you Chrissie poo?? Some people are so touchy these days... :o :mrgreen:
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Re: Setting the record strait..Why I am on the East Side!

Postby flybob » August 13th, 2008, 7:11 pm

David, again I am dissapointed that I did not get to meet you Monday, but I am sure that our paths will cross one day, if not casually, then as a customer/client.

Your story is not a unique one, in many tones it reflects what a lot of us go through when you are fortunate enough to spend many more years on the planet.

The most impotant thing you can come away with is the fact that you are surrounded by supportive people/friends, and your family still thinks the world of you! East side, West side, it does not matter where. You get to live your life in a place that lets you do what you love to do with lots of good folks who share the same interests. It takes a great deal of gumshun to pull up stakes and get out of Dodge! You landed upright and all will be well with the world.

May your God be with you and your family at all times,
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